
133 13 2

September 2, 2002
Houston, Texas
2:52 PM
Beyoncé Giselle Knowles

"Giselle... Ashley... wake up. I'm hungry. We have a party to get ready for too." Onika whined, in a sleepy tone. Her voice was so soothing, it actually made me want to sleep some more.

"Tanya, please. That party isn't till like... seven." I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut before stretching, accidentally hitting Kehlani in the process.

"Damn, nigga! Watch your fuckin' arms." Lani spoke, almost unaudabily into the pillow before her quiet snores filled the room again.

"Shut up." I said in response, slowly opening my eyes due to the bright sunlight. Onika was sitting up, staring down at the both of us.

"What you lookin' at?"

She flicked me off, rolling her eyes.

"Who you think I'm lookin' at? Get up and make some breakfast for your guests. It's the polite thing to do." She smiled.

"First of all, I'm not polite. Second of all, stop acting like y'all ain't apart of the family. Third of all, Sean exists. Ask him to whip some shit up in the kitchen. I'm tired."

"Noone told y'all dumbasses to stay up as long as y'all did. I fell asleep around one in the morning—the same time you and Lani made up some stupid game on who can stay up the longest." She rolled her eyes for the second time today. "Also, Jhené picked Sean up about an hour ago. I couldn't ask him even if I wanted to. I wish I could though, because we all know you aren't best cook."

Now it was my turn to do the eye rolling.

"If I'm not the best cook, then why ask me to make some food?"

"Because this is your house. Now get to it." Before I could get another word in, she dismissed me.

By this time, Lani had turned on her back. Onika being Onika, decided to straddle her and lightly pat her cheeks as an attempt to wake her up.

"Cupcaaaake." She cooed softly. "Wake up, B is making us food. If it's nasty, we can ditch her for Chipotle or something." She concluded, gaining a sleepy laugh out of Kehlani. I didn't see shit funny, this was literal bullying.

"Word, lil' mama?" Lani asked, rubbing her eye with one hand while the other made itself comfortable on Onika's bare thigh.

"Have I ever lied to you?" A playful smirk made itself visible upon Nika's lips.

"Hm.. have you?" Lani pretended to be in deep thoughts for a split second before answering herself. "Actually, yes. You have."


"When you told me you liked Meek more than you like me." She grinned. "What do you have to say about that, Miss Maraj?"

Onika's face instantly turned a slight shade of red. "You always gotta ruin the fun." She pouted. She started to move her body off of Kehlani until Kehlani tightened her grip, now using two hands for each of Onika's thighs.

"I didn't say you could move." She gritted, fixing the placement of her hands so that they were now rubbing Nika's ass in slow circles. Onika bit her bottom lip, as a soft moan escaped from her throat. I laughed at how quick she submitted.

"I- I'm sorry." She said, in a rather quiet tone. That's when I noticed that she was grinding on Kehlani's thigh at a painfully slow pace.

I'll admit—it was sexy, but I had to stop them before they had a whole sex session on my bed.

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