One: Taleen

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College started last Monday and I'm lucky to have Lisa as my roommate. She was my roommate last year and we became best friends on the first week of freshman year, so it was fun to spend the whole year with somebody I actually like. By the end of the second semester we were given reports to rate one another- a typical procedure the college dormitory administration holds here- and we both wrote that we'd like to be paired with one another again for sophomore year and here we are!

          "We should start getting ready," Lisa says, looking at me from her weird position on her bed. She's lying down on her bed with her feet resting on the wall while her head is dangling. How is she not getting a headache?

          "This is the fourth time I hear you say that in the last thirty minutes." I note as I continue working on the drawing I've been working on for the last two days.

          "Leave your sketchpad alone and let's get ready." She adjusts herself and finally manages to sit up in a normal position.

I roll my eyes and close my sketchpad. I stand up and make my way to my closet. My eyes land on denim short dungarees and a plain white t-shirt. Deciding that they're nice enough, I take them out of the closet.

"What are you going to wear?" I ask Lisa as I move to the small dressing table we've in our dorm room to apply my makeup.

She shows me a long nude skirt with a slit that reaches her mid-thigh with a black spaghetti top and I nod in approval then I point to my outfit and wait for her opinion.

"Cute! Wear your white sneakers, not your black sandals." She gives me a nod and I agree with her. When it comes to fashion, I really trust her opinion. She has a great taste.

After I finish applying makeup on, I change into my outfit then I put my white sneakers on. I style my hair into a high ponytail. Two things I love about myself: my hair because of its thickness and my eyes because of their bright hazel colour.

"I'm going to make a quick phone call until you get ready," I tell Lisa as I make my way out of the room to call my little sister. I haven't called her in so long. I try to make sure that she's okay and be up to date with her. She was once living with two siblings and now she's all alone because she's the youngest. She wasn't that close to George, our brother, but she was close to me and she still is.  The fact that my hometown is less than two hours away is definitely in our favour as we both tend to visit each other a lot.

"Hey, Layan." I grin as I talk to her. "How's senior life treating you?" She is a high-school senior, meaning that the age gap between us isn't big at all. Just a couple of years.

"I'd say same old same old, but actually I'm in charge of planning our prom!" she says excitedly through the phone. She is into event planning and she wants to be a famous wedding planner when she grows up; I believe that she'll rock in this career! Nobody can handle a party like her in my family.

"That's great! You've wanted that since freshman year," I say as I sit on one of the benches we have outside the dorms building. Out of the three of us, Layan happens to be the one who knew what she wanted to be when she grows up ever since we were little. I remember once we went to a wedding when she was ten and she was fascinated by the decorations and how the event was planned and ever since that day, she decided that she wanted to be a wedding planner when she grows up.

As for me, I only decided that I want to be a therapist on my high-school-junior-year. I made that decision after I saw the progress one of my best friends achieved after visiting a therapist; she suffered from depression after the death of her cousin. They were close and the two of them were in a car accident. My best friend is the survivor.

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