Three: Taleen

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Coughs escape my mouth as I bring myself to the surface of the water. I fell in the area that is six feet deep, so that explains why I can't stand. "Oh shit!" I exclaim with a gasp as I see my phone at the bottom of the pool. I quickly dive down to bring it then I swim back to the edge. My face is throbbing with pain and I find difficulty in focusing on anything except the dead phone in my hand.

"I'm so sorry!" Josh apologizes as he pulls me up, but I couldn't care less about an apology; it won't bring my phone back. Couldn't they be more careful?

"Are you okay? Oh! Your nose is bleeding. The ball smacked you hard. " Lisa bombards me with her worry while Amanda quickly puts a towel around me. Am I shivering? The water was a little bit cold, but I'm not sure of its effect on my body. A stinging sensation attacks my nose and I touch it only to be met with the red liquid on the tips of my fingers.

"I'm okay, but my phone isn't!" I hiss as I try to turn it on, but of course, my tries are useless. My life is literally on this phone and nothing is backed up except my notes. I've probably lost all of the pictures along with my contacts; I can't remember if I have any of them backed up or not. I want to scream and a part of me even wants to cry, but I don't want to appear childish in front of a bunch of people I've just met today.

"I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to throw the ball in your direction. We were just messing around and Chris foolishly tackled me, making me throw the ball in the wrong direction and well...this happened." Josh looks sincere as he rambles, but I'm honestly so mad right now to even offer him a small smile or tell him it's okay because this isn't okay at all.

"Yeah, but sorry won't really fix my phone," I snap at him and I instantly feel terrible for doing this, but he's the reason behind this mess. Now I need to buy a new phone which means that I'll have to take money from what I've been saving for the car. Why did I even come today? I press my lips tightly together in an attempt to suppress my irritation and I reach for my nose again only to find it still bleeding.

"I'll get you a new one, I promise." He is being so sweet, but my actions and my facial expressions are enough to prove that I'm a total bitch. He really needs to move away because I don't want to say anything I might regret later.

"No, thanks. Look, I just want to leave," I mumble, trying my best to control my anger. I really don't want to be rude to anyone, especially that they're all nice and accidents are bound to happen.

"Not like that! Your clothes are all wet and water is literally dripping off you!" Ella argues. "Listen, I think I've extra clothes in my car. Let me bring them to you." She offers. Not waiting for my response, I see her rushing out of the backyard.

I walk to the bamboo chairs and I sit on one of them while Owen brings me tissues for my nosebleed. It's not severe, I can feel it and my face doesn't hurt that much. I press the tissues slightly to my nose and a wince comes out of my mouth. Okay, maybe the smack is stronger than I think. I'll probably have a bruised face tomorrow.

"Here." A voice catches my attention and I look up to find Josh extending his hand with a phone. Okay, that's quick. "I know it's older than yours, but it works perfectly fine. I'll definitely buy you a new one, just use this until then." Josh is so freaking nice. He isn't even giving me a chance to be mad at him.

"Thank you...I'll just use it until I buy myself a new one. You don't need to buy me anything. Accidents happen." I smile at him as I take the iPhone 8plus from him. "I'm really sorry for snapping at you like that, but I love my phone so much." I blush as I apologise to him. I'm not too fond of the way I talked to him while he was being nothing but nice to me. He didn't deserve that.

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