Five: Taleen

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The fact that I enjoy studying biology is making this paper a lot easier for me to write. I'm supposed to submit it in three days and I'm almost done with it. It's been two days since the barbecue party and luckily, my face isn't bruised.

I take a sip of my coffee and crack my fingers while making a circular motion with my head to relief my neck a bit before returning to my paper. Mondays aren't my favourite to be honest. I have lectures from nine to three then I have a five-hour-shift from six to eleven. It's currently four and I think I have around an hour and fifteen minutes left to get myself to work.

"Isn't it a pleasant surprise?" I look up from my laptop screen and the corners of my mouth turn up. Why am I happy to see him? Maybe it's because he is a sweet guy. "Mind if I sit with you?" he requests and I nod, motioning for him with an open hand to take the seat in front of me.

"How've you been?" I ask Josh, glancing at him. White suits him. The t-shirt isn't tight on his body, but it's not loose either; it looks perfect. Such a sweet sight to the eyes, if you ask me.

"I should be asking you that, you're the one who got hit with a ball," he speaks with a light chuckle, causing me to giggle in response.

"I'm good. As you can see no swelling or bruises," I assure him, taking another sip from my coffee. "What brings you here? Following me?" I playfully smirk.

"I love the coffee of this place, but maybe you've got a new stalker. You never know." So he has a sense of humour; something extra to make him likeable. However, Josh isn't going to be the one who would make me change my plans. Yes, he's agreeable, likeable and even handsome, but these are not enough characteristics to make me change my point of view about dating.

"I come here regularly, how haven't I seen you before?" I tilt my head to the side as I talk to him.

"I think I've seen you here before. Maybe once or twice. You're so focused when you're doing something. You probably don't notice anyone around you," he says with a shrug.

"How would you know that about me?" I close my laptop screen after saving the paper to pay more attention to him. This conversation is quite interesting. I rest my chin on the palm of my hand and give him my full attention, ready to hear the character analysis he has run on me.

"As a matter of fact, before saying anything to you when I first saw you here, I was standing in front of you for more than fifteen seconds, yet you didn't notice," he informs me and I slowly nod with a small smile on my lips.

"I guess I'll have to take care of my surroundings from now on," I note, my eyes not darting away from him as I talk. I look at my wrist and mentally sigh in relief when I find the hair tie around it. I pull my hair up in a ponytail and I make sure not to wrap the hair tie three times, so it won't give me a headache afterwards.

"Your hair looks nice when it's pulled up." Josh compliments me and I decide to joke around.

"Are you implying that it looks bad when it's down?" I raise one eyebrow as I shoot accusing stares at his direction.

His eyes go wide in less than a second. "No! I didn't mean it like that! You look beautiful either way. It's just that your face looks structured when it's pulled up, but that doesn't mean that having it down gives you a double chin or something..." I try my best to control the laughter I'm attempting to suppress and I finally give in.

"God!" I laugh, throwing my head back. "You should've seen your face! I can easily mess with you." I continue laughing as I talk and I see him sending glares at me.

"You're mean." He huffs and all I do is cunningly grin at his direction. "What are you plans for today?" he asks after regaining his posture.

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