A Time Trip

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"I know you're excited about the whole interstellar traveling simulator thing but remember what I told you,

Wait, think, breathe. " Peter nods aggressively, shaking out his limbs.

"Got it, Mr. Stark." Tony looked cautiously at Peter, finger hovering over the button.

"Look at me, Pete," Peter glances over his shoulder.

"Go have fun." His finger drops down.

A shout is ripped out of Peter's throat, a blast of energy sucking him forward. The speed was so great that his body could only limply follow. Forcing his eyes open he was greeted by flashing colors, which in turn made him immediately shut them to avoid hurling. He straightens out his body and thinks of the place he wants to go. One last night with Uncle Ben . But as he thinks about it, his thoughts get interrupted. His mind was going over the three things Mr. Stark told him but in turn it reroutes his destination.

"Destination, Stark household. Arriving now."

"Wait! No!" He is blinded by white light, his body propelling even faster. A breach amongst the light barrels towards him until he is diving head first into it. His landing wasn't the most elegant, and grass generally did not taste good.

"Ow..." He groans, lifting his head. He hears a small chime by his hip. Lifting the device to his eyesight he reads the message.

"You arrived safe?" Peter wipes at his chin, grass littering it and frowns.

"Yeah, I ended up redirected but I'll manage." Peter talked into the device, his words turning into a readable message. He lets out a little grunt as he springs onto his feet. In front of him stood a grand house, windows menacingly staring at him in the darkness.

"I know you will." With that little bit of encouragement, Peter judged his surroundings.

He let his eyes roam across the house, stalling at the sight of some sort of iridescent light coming from the side window. Pressing a button on his suit, it transforms into a comfortable set, sweats and a sweatshirt. He ducks his head before walking around the perimeter of the house to investigate the light.

"Stop. Stop glowing." Peter stops in front of the window. The light turns off as a figure tampers with small tools over a desk.

The sound of a sad whirl enters Peter's ears. A device that looked like a phone was in this stranger's grasp.

"Would you like to send a message?" The device speaks loudly, the figure scrambles to lower the sound.

"TONY, GO TO SLEEP!" Peter gasps sharply, the figure inside stiffening. Both men were in some weird type of frozen state, neither of them daring to breathe. The man turns to the window, making direct eye contact with the other. In barely a second, a device was pointed at Peter, a charged noise coming from it.

"Who are you?" The voice was so strikingly different but so undoubtedly Tony.

"Ah, oh! Um, you see-" The noise picked up in volume, a light breaching the end of it.

"WOAH OKAY! I was walking and saw a light and got curious, I'm sorry don't blast me!" Peter raises his hands in front of his face as a shield.

"Well, why didn't you just say that?" The light goes away and the figure rises off his chair, moving towards the window. It was done so surely Peter didn't have time to object as the screen of the window was lifted.

Peter was rooted at the sight. Dark eyes glared at him, trying to figure him out just the same. Lashes so thick it appeared as though he were wearing eyeliner.

A Time TripTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang