First day: Orphan child

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I'm playing with my sandbox alone. No one wanna play with me as I was being described as ' the bad luck kid '. My (H/c) is unusual for every child and also for adults too. As my life in 9 years for small kids, I already understand why people keep avoiding me.

Suddenly, the ball is hitting my back head. I turned around and saw the group of mean boys were grinning evilly. I know that they're doing on purpose.

" Hey (Y/n), ever thought to leave this orphanage? Oh right, YOU CAN'T!!! " the boys mocking me arrogantly, saying I'm not worthy to love. Heck, even my parents had to abandon me because of myself. My brain is telling me to ignore them, so I continue to my attention on the sandbox.

Of course, they're angry for my ignoring and trying to make the scene by pulling out my hair harshly. They also poke my eyes while I close my eyes for pain. That's...give me a snap.

Giving their taste of fights, I punching out of my anger and they're all starting to respond to punches. We've been fighting for 3 minutes when the caretakers came. The mean boys faking cry, whining about me who is starting first. Well, it's not my place, to tell the truth, because... the caretakers are siding on them and doesn't give any about me.

After caretakers persuading and bringing all the children inside, me in another hand; well let's just say I've gotten myself standing alone. Staring the sun slowly getting down, I sighed. If I had my chances to escape, this is my opportunity but with my small hand, there's no way I can make it. " I wish I could get myself out from here..."

No matter how I wanted to, I couldn't get out until I'm 18 years old that I could be out from this prison. If I could throwing away my bad luck, that will be better than being ignored by some peoples. Just because of my (H/c) hair or (E/c) eyes doesn't mean you can't be a human too. With my heavy walk, I entering the orphanage by the night approaches.

??? POV

"So, this orphanage has its secret hidden? Like, many top documents?" The right person whispering on me when I was spying on the orphanage. I quickly answer, " I don't know but we'll have to make sure. Even those three big guys to know any details of it."

He thinking deeply to my words and said, " You'll know what happens to us right?" I slowly shook my head, " Personally I need to stop any happens if we've got caught. Human eyes are something that we'll have to be careful because they're could capture us. Like an alien, I think? " Right person quickly nodded as he understands what I said.

" Also, the orphanage is the best place to hide because there many children inside and people won't ever expect things, " I continued my talk as my eyes searching for the area to enter. This documents also too important for our world in order not to have war started.

" Hey, there is fence door loosen up. We could get in!" A right person pointing to the door, following by my eyes to see if he speaking the truth. And he's right... There is a door opens without any guard. What a slacking job.

"Alright people, we have our easy way. Now, all I want is you guys need to sneak in without their knowledge. I don't wanna any troubles or something horrible happens. Got that?! " I ordered my peoples to sneak and tell me exactly plan to get the documents.

" YES SIR!!!! "

Little that we know, someone was wondering what happened in our night...

To be continued...

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