1.7 - logan

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tammy: hey loser delete all our texts and everything

u have abt louise bc who knows what that

fuck ass detective is gonna check

tammy: delete my contact too

logan: jesus fuck tammy should i just

factory reset my fucking phone too

lwhen tammy didn't respond within two minutes, logan removed the address louise was currently staying at from his notes. then, he shoved his phone in his back pocket as he grabbed his skateboard from the front of the school. he tried to keep a straight face as he rode down the neighborhood to his house, but leaves and dirt kept blowing in his face, making it rather hard. in the end, he ended up with messy hair and a mouthful of leaves.

as he stood in front of his house, one hand holding his skateboard and the other trying to pick leaves off his face, he felt the ground shake ever so slightly, but he couldn't be bothered to look up to see what was happening. instead, he began to spit, silently begging the leaves to just get up and walk out of his mouth, but since he knew that was a stupid thought, he continued to spit at the ground.

"logan bush, quit your spitting and talk to the detective right now!"

logan looked up, leaves still on his face, to see his mother standing next to a man that looked slightly familiar. he wasn't sure if it was the badge that hung on a string around the man's neck or if it was the terribly ugly sideburns, but something sparked a memory in the back of logan's mind.

he remembered louise and gene walking past logan and his friends after school one day, laughing about something their father and mr. fischoeder had done last weekend. the next day, when louise walked past without gene, logan pulled her aside and asked her what had happened with her father and the mr. fischoeder. louise had laughed, flicking logan's forehead.

"you're stupid! didn't you hear? some psycho named felix tried to tie my dad and mr. fischoeder to something underneath the dock so that they would drown when the tide came rolling in! but-" louise had made a big gesture with her hands. "this super cool guy named sergeant bosco came to the store and helped us decipher a text from my dad and we ran over and saved the day!" louise's eyes had glistened with excitement along with a large smile that stretched from ear to ear. "it was so cool!"

as much as logan had adored the pure excitement shining from louise, back then, he adored his friends more. so, when his friends skated over on their boards, logan pushed louise's shoulder back gently, adding a quick, "get lost, bunny-eared freak!" however, louise being the relaxed middle schooler she was, she just rolled her eyes and walked away down the street. later that night, logan had looked up the incident on the internet, and sure enough, there was a picture of the belchers, mr. fischoeder, and sergeant bosco standing on the dock.

"mrs. bush, if you would let me, i'd like to speak with your son in the house privately." sergeant bosco gestured for logan's mother to give the two some privacy. logan just grumbled to himself as his mother briskly walked down the street and into a taxi. bosco put a hand on logan's shoulder, probably to guide him into the house, but logan slapped it away. "i'm not going to fucking run away." logan muttered, walking ahead into the house.

bosco entered the house, standing awkwardly in the doorway as logan stood, tapping his foot on the ground. he didn't know why he was suddenly in a bad mood, but he figured it was probably because he felt as if he was about to be interrogated.

"did you come to stand in my fucking doorway? i don't have time to watch you stand in my house, so either talk or leave."

bosco raised his hands in mock defense, walking towards logan. "did you kill louise belcher?"

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