Ch. 1 - Crossing Boundaries: A Delicate Embrace

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It was completely unethical of Dr. Reisman but the moment she had received the call from Celeste that she needed help. Celeste had informed Dr. Reisman that Perry had beaten her again just left for a business trip leaving her on the ground. Her kids weren't home thankfully. Dr. Reisman was never one to interfere but she knew Celeste was afraid to tell her friends what was going on because of what they might think of her. So she couldn't help but throw all caution to the wind. The brunette found herself driving to Celeste's house worried about her patients well being. At least that's what she kept telling herself. She had been seeing her separately without Celeste's husband for a while now. Overtime during the sessions, she's had with Celeste she's found herself staring at the woman. At first, she didn't think anything of it until after a session with Celeste. The blonde had just come from her house to see Dr. Reisman unannounced and was covered in bruises. Dr. Reisman knew who had done it and it infuriated her. So much that she vowed to protect Celeste at all costs. As much as Dr. Reisman tried to keep a professional relationship with Celeste it was a bit more difficult than she thought it would be. She knew the ethical thing to do would be to refer Celeste to someone else but she would hate to see the woman go. Dr. Reisman knew that she would have to be colder to the woman than usual just to push her away. It was working until Celeste broke down crying because of her. It killed Dr. Reisman to see that she caused Celeste pain when instead she should be helping her. That had happened a few hours before she received the call from Celeste.
As Dr. Reisman pulled into Celeste's driveway she sighed deeply. 'What was she even doing here? This is completely unethical and crossing the line between us.' She thought to herself as she sat there looking at the house. Dr. Reisman shook her head and started to back out of the driveway just as her phone rang. She glanced over at it to see it was Celeste. Her heart ached upon seeing that and knew Celeste was probably in more pain than she lead her to believe. Dr. Reisman turned her car off and grabbed her phone and purse before getting out of the car. She locked her car heading to the front door to find it was unlocked. Dr. Reisman went inside and looked around for Celeste while calling the woman's name.

"In here!" Celeste said wheezing as she stayed curled up in a ball.

Dr. Reisman had just walked past the stairs as she heard Celeste yell. The brunette immediately ran up the stairs and glanced in each room she came across until she found the master. Upon not seeing Celeste when she first walked into the master she realized she must be in the bathroom or closet then. Dr. Reisman headed towards the bathroom door to find she wasn't in there so she tried them closet. Dr. Reisman dropped her purse upon seeing Celeste curled up in a ball. She quickly went towards the blonde and fell to her knees.
"I've got you now," Dr. Reisman said softly as she gently pulled Celeste close only to feel the blonde flinch at first before curling into her. Dr. Reisman bit her bottom lip as she softly rubbed the woman's arm.
"I promise I'm not going anywhere, Celeste." Dr. Reisman said before softly kissing the woman's forehead.

Celeste incoherently muttered something to Dr. Reisman which she would ask her about later.

The two of them sat like that for a while before Dr. Reisman started to feel her legs were falling asleep. "Celeste I have to get up, my legs are starting to fall asleep." Dr. Reisman said softly as she lightly shook the woman awake.

"Okay..." Celeste muttered as she got off of Dr. Reisman and sat beside her.

Dr. Reisman soon stood up and helped the blonde up only to have Celeste fall into her. Dr. Reisman blushed deeply upon feeling where Celeste's had grabbed onto. Without a second thought, she pulled Celeste close and just held her. "I've got you, dear." Dr. Reisman said softly as she felt Celeste finally remove her hands off her breasts.

"Sorry – sorry about that I lost my balance." Celeste said as she rested her chin on Dr. Reisman's shoulder.

"It's fine it was an accident. Are you okay to walk to your bed?" Dr. Reisman asked as she now held Celeste at arm's length.

Crossing Ethical BoundariesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora