Then don't let her go

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(Ceri's pov)

I run out of the hospital and into the woods. All I can hear are more howls of heartbreak from my beautiful boy. Knowing that I am not going to be able to help him when he is hurting so much makes me feel so helpless. All I will be able to do is watch and try to help him.

Eventually I reach a cliff face in the forest. Another howl rises above the trees. I try to find Rhydians scent.

Finally I do. I follow the scent back to a tree near the house. There he stands howling at the tree. He circles the tree a few times and then howls. One long painful howl. His wolf falls to the ground in dispear. I rush over to help him and let him rest his head on my knee.

After a while he turns back into his human self. "I need her." He whispers to me. I look at the sky and remeber something that I should of done years ago when I found my true love.

" Yna peidiwch â gadael iddi fynd"  I whisper in his ear "Then don't let her go."

(Rhydian's pov)

".......then don't let her go" My mum whispers in my ear.

She was right I couldn't let Maddy go she meant to much to me. I needed her more than anyone else in the world and I was going to get her back. However I needed to show her I was sorry.

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