Chapter Two: Walking Dead

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"Are you fucking kidding me" Hiro sat up in his bed, the time on his phone was August 1st 12:33. Not like he planned on showing up to school anyways but when he rose to his feet he noticed his clothes were the same from last night. 'it was just a dream' He told himself. Spirits and gods aren't real just another strange dream. Soon enough it was 12 o'clock and after a 10 hour gaming/vibing session Hiro noticed it was time his bladder couldn't handle anymore Flat room temperature Pepsi max, so he got up to piss. He got out of his chair and turned around only to see the dream spirit sitting on his bed. His pants were soaked. "Finally mate, are we gonna leave yet, I've been bored shitless for the past 2 hours. "S-So you were real" he stuttered "Yep every word, the names Annai, I spoke was true, so when are we going go stone hunting", "Im sorry, stone hunting?" "Oh, I forgot so the endless night is triggered if the Stone of Worlds is on the last day of August placed in the beam of the moons light which will appear on that day you'll know it when you see it, it's a beauty" "So what am I supposed to do, find this stone and keep it from the hands of the person who's gonna try and put into the moons light" "Exactly" The way Annai said it made it sound like it would be a simple task. They would soon find the opposite was true. "Well let's head out then" Hiro groaned

"NO NO NO NO, NO WAY we don't know what kind of abilities our enemy may have so you wouldn't want them knowing your identity haven't you seen Death Note?" "You guys have anime in the spirit world?" "That's beside the point, your going to need an outfit and a Nickname" "Okay well I have this Misfits hoodie and Black bandana with teeth on the front" "Alrighty Lets.. I- I feel like I'm forgetting something, Oh we a name i'm thinking NightLight" "Sounds heroic, I love it" "No no no i'm forgetting something else, can't be that important" They then quietly left the house making sure to pull the handle down before closing it to minimise noise.

They walked silently down Hiro's street. The city gave off a completely different vibe at night it was almost hard to explain like deja vu almost you know the streets its just not the same. "So how far exactly are we going" Hiro groaned. "Well," Annai began, "Tonight we're kinda just looking around we don't know who got linked and with what power, no doubt someone's gonna get curious and go out for a test drive" "You keep mentioning these abilities, but what are they and what do you mean by linking" "THAT'S WHAT I FORGOT!!" Annai Yelled, "Last night when you started the game, what that did was release spirits to link with the residents of this town, depending on the spirit they'll have different ability, they only activate at night though, because thats when the game is played" "YOU FORGOT SOMETHING THAT FUCKING IMPORTANT" "Hey!... yea you're right. But you're telling me you haven't felt different since last night?" Hiro thought for a second he did feel a little strange although he was to invested in watching Konosuba AMV's to notice. He didn't reply just kept walking and thinking about the fact that his soul was now linked to a spirit, this sounds too cool to be true whatever happened to being a boring average teen. "Hey, Annai do I get an ability" "You started the game, so it's a 100% chance" Hiro had waited his entire life for this moment would he shoot webs from his arms or Fly. His entire boring existence was leading up to this moment. "How do I use it." Hiro said trying to contain his excitement "Just let it happen, its gotta feel natural man" Hiro stopped walking and stood still in the middle of the street with his eyes locked shut he felt power coursing through his veins. "PERSONA!!" he screamed, "this is not a video game Hiro get your head in the game (No pun intended)" He regrouped not moving an inch. "STAR PLATINUM" Annai shook his head "Or an anime retard" he sighed.

"Just let out naturally, most other people get it straight away." Annai said. Hiro kept both eyes closed. "I... I think my power is the creation of like weapons and objects" "Well make something then" Annai cheered "Like what?" "Make a sword" You could hear the excitement grow in his Scottish voice. Suddenly, a katana made of blue flame appeared in his right hand. "AWSOME" they both shouted at once. Hiro thought about the limitless potential of his ability and tried making a Handgun. Surely enough a Glock appeared in his hand seconds later he pointed it to the sky and pulled the trigger.....

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