Chapter Three: Eyes Of Heaven

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Hiro rolled over slowly and picked up his phone. 8:10. He groaned, 'I might as well go to school' he thought. Everyone had already left for work. Soon enough he was ready and started walking the 2km trek to school. 'Welp better late than never'. He arrived at 8:50, collected his late note and walked into homeroom. Eventually lunch came, he headed to the library where he usually wasted away the 40 minute break on his phone. He gripped the door handle and pulled without even stepping in the door he was already being interrupted. "Oh it's you" the boy before him groaned. Hiro recognised him instantly. Cain was the radical christian type and ran the school Christianity Club, attended youth group Sunday and hated Hiro's guts. Cain was holding a folded sheet of paper out towards him before putting it down. "What was the sheet?", "Oh I don't think you'll be interested" Cain said in a passive aggressive tone. "It won't hurt to look will it?". With a large sigh he raised his and passed him the folded paper. He then walked out of the library. "Oh, and don't bother showing up" Cain said before leaving. Hiro pocketed the paper and continued into the library. As he looked around other kids seemed to have the sheet as well. This wasn't out of the ordinary, Cain was well known at JB high for trying to get everyone to convert to Christianity and hated anyone who disagreed with him especially Hiro, despite the two once being best friends. Soon enough the day ended and Hiro walked home and awaited Annai and Tristan's arrival.

The sun set and surely enough around 10pm, and Annai arrived. They waited at the window watching out for him. It was only then Hiro remembered the flyer in his pocket. 'Well we have some time to kill' he thought as he reached into his pocket and unfolded the flyer. He gasped, at what the note read

"Felt any different of late? Noticed any changes at night? Gained any abnormal abilities? Meet at the front of the Abandoned Church on Queens road at 12am tonight and meet others with similar god given abilities!

"Annai you gotta see this!" Hiro cried, "Shit, do you think they're gonna start a clan or a faction, Either way this is not very good."

After a little more waiting Tristan finally showed up and was caught up on the situation. "So some Christain kid named Cain is having all the people with abilities meet in one spot, this can't end well" said Tristan "So what are we gonna do about it?" Annai spoke with a concerned tone, "An entire group of enemies could be very bad for our cause" Hiro checked his phone, it 11:09 and if they wanted to attend they would have to leave soon. "Well what if we look at this a different way?" Hiro chimed in "What if instead of a church full of enemies what if it is actually a church full of potential allies?", "I like your thinking, but is it realistic?" Tristan asked "Only one way to find out" He exclaimed, "But I think Annai should stay here" He added "Ok then" He replied.

And just like that, the two headed down to the church both dressed in their costumes. At 12:15 they arrived out the front and opened the church door. There were only around 7-8 people inside all sitting on the pews. They were all masked or wearing some sort of bandana or hood except one; Cain. He stood behind the podium at the front. He was wearing a plain white shirt glaring at Hiro and Tristan who had just taken a seat in the very back row. "Well, this turnout is not bad at all," Cain began "Im guessing you all possess similar abilities to mine so I'll just get straight into it, with such bizarre supernatural abilities, God has to have some doing in this. I believe that he is sending us a message or instruction of sorts." "Well I can tell you what's actually going on" Hiro stood up with a smirk hidden under his bandanna. Cain's expression changed, he was obviously enraged. Before he could say anything Hiro Began "Well my names Nightlight and I actually started this all, what's happened is God has become angry with us humans due to all our corruption and pollution so pretty much if we can't locate this gem or something by August 31st we will be wiped from existence." Everyone was shocked. "NO, YOUR LYING" Cain shouted. "It's all true a voice echoed from the corner of the church. It was Annai. "We told you to stay at home!" Stain yelled. "What are you!" Cain screamed. "Well i'm Annai, consider me heavens representative for the group that believes you guys should live, Thank me later".

Everyone was even more shocked, some even trembling in fear. "Also not every human will be wiped people like you guys will live on in the spirit world seeming as your souls are linked with other spirits" "Well!," Cain shouted with a tremble in his voice, God is right!," Before he finished a female voice shouted "What the hell, your that blind and stupid that you think we should all be wiped out because of the actions of others!" She was wearing pink yoga pants and half of a yellow hoodie the bottom half seemingly cut off a little under her bra.

"God is correct, I mean just look at this church, completely destroyed, graffiti on the walls, I even found drug needles in the alley yesterday, this world is corrupt and if our creator wants rid of us I believe it is right for the world" "This is just stupid" the girl said turning around to face Nightlight and Stain, He now saw her mask a simple anti smoke mask bellow her glistening blue eyes and dark fringe. "Well we can stop the end of the universe if we find this rock by the end of this month and stop it from being placed into the moons light on the 31st" "Could you have explained it any lazier? I mean seeming as your lives the stakes" Annai groaned "Shut up you look like a fucking smurf" "Guys, Guys, we dont have time to fight we need to do something about this" the girl interrupted "Yea we-well r-right now we have a team of 3 s-so your more than welcome to join us" Stain stuttered. "YOU DARE TO CONSPIRE AGAINST ME AT MY OWN MEETING" Cain shot. "Yea I guess we are, let's go team" Annai replied.

The 4 stood up and began walking to the door. "So you really think I would just let you leave here alive?" Cain said with a chuckle. Tristan grabbed the door handle and began to turn it.

Blood ran his hand and down onto the floor. He raised it to look cleanly sliced as if he gripped a knife and pulled it up. Everyone's expression changed Cain was not joking around. Everyone shot around to face Cain "What is this?" Nightlight shouted at Cain. "This is my power, Eyes of heaven!" Cain began as he walked down from the pillar and towards the door. "You heard the blue man as long as you have an ability you will carry on in the afterlife, god has chosen us few. We are blessed, and he has decide to cleanse the earth, I will support his decision by any means necessary, that includes cleansing scum like you 4 from the earth" He reached into his pocket and flicked a bottle cap directly at Tristans left arm. "What on earth was that supposed to do?" Tristan chuckled then looked up to see the expressions of everyone in the room their jaws dropped to the floor. He raised his arm to inspect it and let out an ear piercing scream.

He could see the filthy carpet flooring through a bottle cap size hole in his forearm, "THAT'S IT YOU LITTLE FUCKER THIS WAS MEANT TO BE A LAST RESORT BUT YOU'VE DONE IT NOW" Tristan screamed while his arm became squeezed by a Walking Dead bandage. With his right hand tristan reached down to his hoodie pocket and pulled out what looked to be a glock, no a gel blaster, Marked Rosemary. He switched on the on switch and took aim at Cain. Everyone dove including Cain behind the podium. He pulled the trigger and what looked like thorns stuck into the podum "Nightlight, The door handle is razor sharp so be careful but get back to the usual spot" Hiro used Destiny to create a small stick to push down on the handle "Come on Stain we need to leave!" The 4 ran out of the door and back to Hiro's house climbing through his window.

Trisan sat on the bed with an angry expression on his face while the other 3 stood. "Are we not going to talk about that" said Annai followed by silence, "Guess not, so let's hear more about you." He continued while looking at the mysterious girl.

"Well my name Rosie, I'm 15 and go to JB high. For the past 2 days i've had this weird power I call it Fallout" ''N- Nice to meet you Rosie so what's Fallout do exactly?" Tristan said without looking her in the eyes once. "Shoot me with that gel gun" she said. "WHAT, no way Do..." . "Yea what was that?" Hiro interrupted.

"Well, after I went home last night I had a good idea. If I create orbee sized balls with my Walking Dead and then put small blood spikes, like needles I can shoot them out of this gun, I called it Rosebush." "Let's get back to my power, Streak i think it was can you please shoot me" Rosie said. Tristan looked like he had been punched directly in the heart. "M-My... Call me Tristan." He shouted while taking aim.

The red blood ball launched from Rosebush, and surely enough hit Rosie in the chest. But for some reason instead of sending the needle into her skin it stopped there as if it was being held still. "This is fallout, It stops objects in motion that i've touched" Rosie explained as she stepped back and out of the bullets way before releasing it and having it hit the wall. Everyone looked impressed.

"Before we leave you need a codename" Hiro said while taking off his mask and hoodie. "What about Shantae?" Annai chimed in. "No, how about Samus?" Rosie said. The group exchanged numbers with their new friend Rosie and surely enough they all left leaving Hiro to rest, not knowing the war they had just started.

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