More Than Friends (Kustard)

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May make art for this chapter later.

"You suck at this game."

"Shut up! It's only because my hands are tired!"

"Tell that to your ever growing list of losses."

"Shut up!"

Fell began laughing at his best friend's pout. This only caused Classic to huff and turn away and pout even more. Which also caused Fell to laugh even harder. Which ended up in a chain reaction of Classic growing more and more upset before he did the only thing appropriate for the situation. As Fell was laughing so hard that tears had started to form, Classic reached behind them and grabbed one of the pillows from his bed. He then proceeded to smack him with the puffy object.

That shut him up.

"Oh it's on." Fell said in a low voice. He quickly stood up on the bed and dropped the game controller on the floor, grabbing the other pillow. They ended up participating in a full on pillow war, each of them being smacked and then immediately hitting the other. They were jumping on the bed as they tried to dodge the other's attacks, which caused both of them to be uneasy with their footing and stumble a few times, which caused even more laughs between the two of them. All the while the sounds of large guffaws and a forgotten video game theme filling the room.

Eventually, the two of them crashed to the bed, still a mess of laughter. They could barely breathe for they had worked up quite the sweat, something they found they had been doing more often because of their strong friendship.

The two lay there for a bit, trying to catch their breath and staring at the ceiling. It was almost peaceful, just two best friends hanging out and having a good time.

Suddenly, the tranquility of it all was interrupted as Fell's phone dinged, signifying a text message. Groaning, he sat up and looked at his phone, then groaned some more as he flopped down onto the bed.

Classic sat up and smirked at his companions behavior. "Oh? What's gotten the grumpy cat upset now?"

Fell just groaned again. "Boss texted me. Wanted me ta come home. Here for too long I guess."

"Aww, well I guess you should get going then." Classic sighed, only now starting to calm down from their earlier squabble.

"Yeah, guess so." Fell stood up and started to grab his things. He walked over to Classic's nightstand and grabbed his red turtleneck, slipping it over top of his gray tee shirt. He then grabbed his jacket and slipped that on as well before heading for the door. Classic got up and stretched after following him out of his bedroom.

When they reached the front door, Classic stood in the doorway, waving Fell off. They called out their farewells to each other before Classic almost closed the door. However, before he could, Fell called back again.

"Oh yeah! And next time, I want an opponent!"


Fell started laughing again as he continued to walk home. Classic shut the door then shivered, for he was still wearing just a light gray tee shirt after all. He had taken off his jacket when they were playing games in his room earlier because it was so hot in there.

Hot.. Fell was hot..

Classic kind of wished that it was so hot in that room that Fell would have been forced to take off his tee shirt as well, revealing his rib cage to Classic's eyes.

Classic's went wide as he realized what he was thinking, a light blue blush dusted across his face. He bit his lower lip as he tried to shake the thought from his mind. The worst thing is that these thoughts have occurred many times before.

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