Little Problems (Errink)

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May make art for this chapter later.

Error's POV

"Give it up you pathetic glitch!"

"dOnT pAtRoNiZe Me."

I stood carelessly as Ink steadied himself. We had been fighting in the doodlesphere for who knows how long. I had originally planned for it to be a quick little "clean up" in one of the smaller anomalies, but apparently Ink can't seem to grasp the fact that he's the bad guy. I'm the hero, really. I'm the one who's getting rid of these pesky AUs that are taking up too much space, because if they touch then the entire Multiverse will collapse. But Squid over here doesn't seem to understand this situation and continues to wave that stupid brush of his around and make my life harder.

I quickly jumped out of the way of another paint attack, eager to get this battle done with. I didn't even hesitate when sending a valley of glitched red bones at him, then using my strings to either side of him to make it harder to get away. Ink, however, decided to use that stupid "melting thing" or whatever it is he does to turn into a puddle of ink. He shot across the floor and reappeared behind me before whacking me with his brush. I tried to leap out of the way, but his brush still hit part of my back, which was enough for me to feel the instant burning sensation.

My glitched scream echoed throughout the doodlesphere as Ink smiled. He then kicked me down onto the floor and flipped me over so I was lying on my back, facing him. He stared at me with a playful grin, before snapping his fingers. My eyes went wide as I felt my clothes become heavy and my movements were constructed. I tried to squirm away from him, only to realize that the stupid Squid had used his purple paint to chain me. I glared at him and let out a low growl to show I wasn't done yet, but truthfully, I had no idea how to get out of the chains. I had never let myself get hit by the paint before, so this was all very new to me.

"So, Error, it looks as if I have beaten you! None of us retreated, and it wasn't a draw, no, I beat you! How does that feel, hm?" Ink kept rambling on about how he was the good guy and that I never stood a chance against him, which is actually the typical bad guy speech if you ask me, but I wasn't gonna say anything. I was too focused on trying to get out.

"Hey! Error! You paying attention? This is important here!"

I looked up with a scowl on my face as Ink stared down at me. When he saw I was paying attention again he continued his little rally.

"So as I was saying, I developed a new paint along with the help of Sci. We don't actually know what exactly it does, but Sci said its best I test it before I actually use it in battle. So, I'll test it on you now, and then I can use it during our battles!"

"aNd YoUrE sUgGeStInG tHiS iSnT a BaTtLe?"

Ink huffed at that which made me smirk, embracing my small victory, before it quickly vanished as Ink brought out a vial of paint that glowed an odd mixture of yellow, green, and blue. I tried to wriggle away from him, but he had already opened the bottle and splashed some on the ground.

It felt tingly at first and I was going to laugh at Ink for making such a stupid attack, but suddenly the tingling feeling turned to sharp needle like stabbing pains. My mind also felt fuzzy and it was hard to grasp what was real and what was not. I also felt it was harder to control my actions, which meant that the stinging pain caused tears to form around the edges of my eye sockets.

"mAkE iT sToP! iT bUrNs!" I exclaimed, my voice suddenly seeming more glitched than normal, it's pitches changing from high to low, something I hadn't normally experienced before.

Then the worst of it came. I felt like my entire body was being ripped apart. My rib cage felt as if it were melting due to my soul suddenly becoming so unbelievably hot as it glowed a bright, white light. I felt the excruciating heat envelope my body along with the light, and when the blank color was all I could see anymore, I lost all consciousness.

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