Chapter 7

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"I am sorry Mrs Tweedy-Walsh, but we will have to do it straight away, if the baby stays in you any longer you are open to infections and you will end up ill."

Cheryl listened as the doctor informed her that she was have to give birth to her dead son. She was to get a section as soon as possible.

It took her a while to calm down, she couldn't get over the fact that the baby inside of her, Her son was dead, she had felt him move, she had his name, everything ready for his arrival, she already fell in love with him and she wasn't prepared to say goodbye.

"I will leave you alone at the moment, the midwife will be through shortly"

"I can't do it Nadine, it isn't fair..."

"I know it isn't babe, but you will harm yourself, you have to have it done, I will be here for you every step of the way alright"

"I can't give birth to my dead son, I can't" Cheryl sobbed, and Nadine took her into her arms and held her close, She wasn't sure what to say, she knew nothing she said was going to make the situation any better.

"Do you want me to find Kimberley? Do you want her here when the baby is here?" She didn't want to ask, but she felt like she should.

"Yes, I want her here"

Nadine wasn't quite sure why, she knew if it was her in Cheryl's position, she wouldn't want Kimberley anywhere near her.

"I will go see if I can find her, Will you two stay here with her the now?"

"Yeah babe, of course" Nicola said as she stood up and sat down beside Cheryl, Nadine giving Cheryl a quick kiss on the top of her head before leaving the room.

She looked around the whole hospital, trying countless times to phone Kimberley's mobile, but it kept ringing out.

"Come on Kimba, answer the god damn phone" she muttered to herself as she looked outside the hospital.

Giving up, she made her way to Cheryl.

"I can't find her babe, And she isn't answering her phone"

"Typical, I swear, I have no clue what has gotten into that woman" Sarah sighed.

"Yeah well she is still our friend and we will help her alright..." Nadine said and both girls nodded as Cheryl buried her head into Nicola's shoulder.

"I'm sorry Chez"

"Right Cheryl, we are ready for you now" The nurse said as she entered the room. "I'm just going to take you down to the maternity ward, If you girls want to stay here, we will have her back as soon as possible"

"yeah okay, cant one of us come in with her, I mean she is allowed one person right, its still a birth at the end of the day" Nadine said, not wanting to Leave Cheryl alone to deal with this.

"Yes, one person can come through"

"Nadine will you come" Cheryl said immediatley, "Is that okay?" She said looking to Nicola and Sarah.

"Of course babe, don't worry, we will be right here when you get back okay?" Sarah said reassuring her, Both girls knew that Nadine would be the one to go in, everyone knew how close the both of them were now.

They stood back as the nurse wheeled Cheryl out of the room, Still holding onto Nadine's hand tightly.


"There you are, where have you been?" Sarah asked as she went outside the hospital for a smoke. Finding Kimberley sitting on one of the benches across the road.

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