Chapter 8

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"It's Only been 3 weeks" Cheryl sobs, Wiping away her tears with a tissue.

Looking around her, she takes in the decor. The sofa she is sitting on is filled with cushions and is really comfortable. The wallpaper is a red, Black and white, A nice warm feeling to the room.

Although none of it is making her feel any better, It didn't matter what the Therapist said, Nothing would make her feel better.

"I know it has"

"Listen Mrs Tweedy-Wals...."

"Just call me Cheryl" She said not wanting to hear her Marital name.

"Cheryl. It will get easier..."

"Thats what you tell everyone right, How can it possibly get easier....I lost my son and my wife"

"Have you spoken to Kimberley?" She asks cautiously.


"Do you want to?"


Realising she isn't going to get anywhere with just the one word answers she decided to ask a question that she can't reply yes or no too.

"Tell me what you are feeling? What do you feel about her?" The therapist asks and that is enough for Cheryl to flip out.

"What am I feeling? Are you having a laugh.....I can't do this" She says standing up and picking up her bag.


"I said not to call me that" The tears were freely running down her face as she turned and made her way out of the door.

"Cheryl babe..."

"Take me home Nadine"

"Chery whats goin..."

"I said take me home" Nadine looked on in shock as the double doors swung shut after cheryl, her heels echoing down the hallway.

"Miss Coyle?" Nadine turned to look at Cheryl's Therapist, She looked back to the doors, Knowing she should go after Cheryl, but she needed to know what had happened in the short time Cheryl was in.

She knew she wouldn't get any answers out of Cheryl anytime soon, Not when she was being like that.

"Try have a word with Cheryl, Get her to come back"

"What happened?"

"She just wasn't ready to talk today" The therapist says and Nadine nods.

"Okay don't worry about it, I will speak with her, Thank you, Have a nice day" Nadine says as she picks her bag off the chair she had been sitting on and goes out the same door Cheryl left through a few minutes earlier.


Nadine leaves the building and finds Cheryl Leaning against her car smoking.

She had given up smoking through her pregnancy, but as soon as she got out of hospital, the first thing she did was go and buy a packet of cigarettes.

Nadine turns the alarm off as she approaches, Cheryl jumping slightly and Looking up, she hears the car unlock and she climbs in, not waiting for Nadine to get to her.

"What happened in there? I thought you were going to give it a chance.."

"I did give it a chance" Cheryl huffed as she took her sunglasses off.

"5 minutes you were in Cheryl, Thats hardly a chance"

"Well I was there wasn't I" She answers back angrily. "Will you go"

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