Chapter 12

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The week goes by fast. Chloe had to cancel last minute for our date the other day so here I am waiting for her at the famous diner in our town. Most of the students from our school hang out here. The diner is 90s themed with red and white couches, pictures of old boy bands and rock n roll legends, and the food is amazing.

I'm settling well at school now and not getting panic attacks. I still haven't got any threats from my stalker which is quite a relief. I even made a promise to myself that I will live life to the fullest because I won't know what will happen tomorrow. I decided to plan a weekend at my parents lake house with Adam, Ethan and Emily. I would invite Ryan but he will be busy with his brother. As for Chloe, I don't know if she would come because she has been acting a bit strange lately. I don't know maybe I'm seeing things anyway, I love spending time with my best friend. We have been so busy doing our own things, it's good that we make time to catch up. I know it's funny we are in the same school but it's hard when you have work to catch up with, hiding from stalker who wants you dead or dealing with the school newspaper and volleyball. My body is so drained at least it's Friday tomorrow.

"Hey Girlfriend." Chloe says while taking a seat in the booth.

"Hey Coco."

"I'm sorry... practice ran late today."

"No problem."

We go through the menus that our waiter, Peter gave to us. He looks about our age. He has short, orange reddish hair. He also has some frekleson his cheeks, his eyes are light green and looks skinny. I have seen him at school before and he's part of the maths club. He's quite smart. How in the hell is he able to work and do school? I wonder why he's working here? He's been working here for a couple of months now. I have so many favorite meals here.

Their food tastes great but it will never beat my mom's cooking. Mommy is always number one to winning over this stomach. Peter comes and takes our orders after some time. I order the restaurant's famous burger with fries and Chloe orders ribs and fries. We both get strawberry milkshakes. The waiter writes everything down before walking away. I still don't trust anyone when it comes to food but I'm hungry. I guess I don't have a choice, I have to eat and have faith that nothing will happen.

"So what have you been up to?" she asks.

I tell her about how hectic my week was, from updating my school work, dealing with the school newspaper, volleyball practice and doctors appointments. I might look easy but it really isn't. I have managed to survive the whole week without a mental breakdown so I guess I'm doing okay. I should do something this weekend, to relax my mind and body.

Chloe tells me about her week which was less chaotic than mine. Besides going to school, she has cheerleading practice, tutoring spanish to some guy in our school, she had to deal with a family issue which I didn't get much deals about and the school planning committee. I admire the way we have ours lives in order, at least one of us does. I do wish I could tell her about the stalker but I need to protect her. I'm sure she would give me some crazy advice about it. She is always been there for me and I do the same for her. She's mostly like a sister to me and I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world.

Peter shows up with our food after what felt like hours. We eat as soon as he sets the plates in front us. We probably look like dogs but don't judge. I haven't ate since last night. I've been vomiting everytime after I eat something. I had a bad dream where I was eating worms and I just can't seem to get it out of my head. I'm sure when I get home, this food will be going down the toilet. I didn't tell my mom about this because she'll insist we tell dad. It's still not safe for him to know, we don't know what this person is capable of. Chloe's voice brings me back to reality.

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