Chapter 17

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Adam POV

Ayisha has left to go to the bathroom. I don't want to be at this party. The only reason I come is to escape from my life at home. Everyone is almost drunk in this group except for me, I don't drink much because I'm trying to stay sober and I'm driving. I had a huge drinking problem at some point in my life, I turned to alcohol because my nightmares were getting worse and the abuse. I needed something to numb my brain. I'm sitting alone and it feels like a while since Ayisha left to go to the bathroom. I should probably go look for her maybe she's lost. I stand up and dust the dirt off my jeans. A soft hand touches my shoulder and turn with a smile on my face hoping it's my girlfriend. My smile quickly fades and only see its Brianna.

"Congratulations on winning the game." she says.

"It's nothing."

Ayisha where are you?

"So you came alone tonight?" she asks.

"You know that I don't come alone."

"No it's just that I see you alone and Ethan is with Emily. She stopping him from getting onto the chandelier. We all know what happened last time." she whispers in my ear.

I laugh because Ethan fell from a chandelier last year and broke his arm. It was scary because I thought he was dead when he was laying on the floor. He does crazy things when he's drunk but I'm friends with this person. I love his wild and carefree spirit. Ever since we became friends in middle school I knew we would be friends for a long time. He was the only person who never really asked about my life. He was good energy every time I was in a bad mood.

"Yea, we wouldn't want something like that happening again."

"So where's Ayisha?" she asks.

What is wrong with girl and the questions.

"Probably still in the bathroom. She had too many drinks."

"Oh... I didn't know she was a party girl."


"I should probably get back to the party before Ayisha finds me with you. She might kill me."

She walks away and I'm left standing alone. I look towards the backyard door and think of ways I'm going to find her. Emma walks towards me dragging Ethan. He's too drunk. Emma cares so much about him and it's clearly seen. I know Ethan feels the same way and I hope he doesn't mess this up.

"Can you watch him? I need to go wipe his vomit off me." Emma asks.

"I need to go look for Ayisha."

"I'll go look for her. Just watch him, don't let him out of your site." she states.


She helps Ethan to sit on the chair and disappears into the house. Ethan looks so messed up. I don't understand why Ethan drinks so much. He seems to not have any problems in his life. He has both of his parents and they don't seem to have issues. While I live with my mom and a step father who is bullshit. Emma comes back alone and by the look on her face I know something isn't right.

"Where is she?" I ask.

"She's in the kitchen drunk and she's crying. I don't know why."

"Okay... I'll go talk to her."

I walk into the house, more like push my way inside. I get to the entrance of the kitchen door and find Ayisha leaning against the counter. She takes a sip from the cup. This isn't good and it's my first time seeing her this drunk. So I don't really know what to do to her.

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