Chapter 21

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The week hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be with the incident that happened the past weekend. Everything has been okay. My parents don't know about what happened and I want it to stay like that. My dad would go crazy and want me to press charges against Noah for assault. I don't want to do it, I know what he did wasn't right but I'm not ready for the drama that's going to come with it. I want to forget about it and move on.

School has been a bit hectic for me, like always. I have three assignments to complete, tests to study for, volleyball practice, the school newspaper and the senior year book. It's seems as though its easy to handle but it's not. I haven't slept much for the past three days. The nightmares keep getting worse. I always wake up with sweat and chills. My dad woke me one night from hearing me scream. I could see the curious eyes he gave me but I told him that he shouldn't worry about it. I feel guilty for not telling him anything. I know he deserves to know what's going on but I need to keep him safe, as well as my mother. She has been so supportive and understanding. I don't know what I would've done without her. My mom always has a way of making everything okay even when it's not.

The bell ringing takes me out of my throughts. Great. I didn't write much notes for the homework. I guess I'll have to do it using my own knowledge. I shove my books into my bag and walk to the cafeteria. I'm glad that's it's lunch time already. I'm so hungry. I get to the cafeteria and search for a table. Once I take my seat at a table in the corner. I take out my food. I quietly eat while I browse through my social media. After some time Ryan comes to join me. We engage into a conversation about his birthday party. It had slip my mind that it was his birthday this weekend. I'm not sure what I'll get him but I know he would love anything that I give him.

"So have you got your costume ready?" he asks.

"Yes I have and I'm not telling you anything about it."

"Come on, just tell me. You already know who I'm going to be."

"You are still settling on Iron man, I still think Captain America is the bad ass."

You might have guessed it right, it's a themed party. Marvel versus DC. I know it's lame for teenagers but I think it's fun.

"Iron man is a genius just like me so I believe it suits me well. Oh yeah... He's also very charming just like me. " he winks at me.

"Don't flatter yourself Ryan. You might as well be Robin."

"Don't insult me like that! I'm not anyone's sidekick. I know you can see the the similarities between Iron man and I."

"Do you own a multi billionaire company?" I tease him.

"You little bitch." he chuckles.

"You little shit face." I giggle.

We both start laughing. We always make fun of each other. I really missed this feeling even I feel sleepy. I won't want this moment to end. Ryan has been an amazing friend since the day I met him. He has never given me a reason to not trust him or doubt his intentions. He always wants what's best for me and I also want that for him. Over the years he has become family to me.

"I'm pretty sure you'll make an awesome Iron man." I say with a smile.

"I knew you see it."

"Don't get ahead of yourself." I say jokingly.

He chuckles and goes back to eating his burger. We sit together for a couple of minutes until the bell rings for us to go to class. I hug him goodbye and tell him that I'll see him in English class on the end of the day. I don't know where Emma is though, now that I think about it... I haven't seen her all day. I should probably call and check if she's okay. I walk through the crowded hallway to get the next class. I take my phone out from the pocket in my hoodie and dial Emma's number. The phone goes straight to voice. She has never done this before. I send her a quick message asking her if she's okay and put my phone back into my pocket. I get to my Biology class and I'm grateful that I'm not late. I sit at my usual seat but Chloe isn't sitting at her chair next to mine. She's sitting with one of the cheerleaders. I don't know why that stirs something inside of me. We usually sit together but I won't be a baby about this. The teacher finally walks in after a few minutes and the class begins to settle down.

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