Zel x Listener

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Well aren't you quite the cutie, better than some others I see, so what are you? Sexy is what you are, I just can't take my eyes off of you, Although you have a familiar look and scent have I seen you in a brothel recently? Ah no wonder I've seen you, well how have you been? Oh I expected you to be better with all the money you seem to make well I'm about to go to rate a brothel with stunk crim were going to review a brothel would you like to come? You'd be replacing kanchal anyway so I guess it'd be a win for all of us, well lets go, where? To eats& ale Y'know our meet up spot its where we go to discuss what brothel we are going to, Oh yea I need to introduce you to the group although you've already met stunk and crim just I don't think it was on the best circumstances. Crim is cool although I think he may me Y'know, gay which isn't the best since we review girl brothels but we don't wanna exclude him since he's out friend and his cuteness gets the views up y'know? And Stunk he is a fun person to hang around but one thing I hate about him is his taste in women but I hear humans can't see the ugliness in elves over 250, no offence to you since you are human but Y'know you guys can be pretty gullible but lets go we need to get with the guys to leave and we can't be late Y'know?

This is a short one but it was meant for a short school presentation that was canceled lol

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