Kanchal x Human Listener

744 2 10

"Hello. Hello. HELLO Yes down here you almost stepped on me y'know? Not that you'd care most people don't but it's okay. Do you care? I know you don't, you're just saying that it's happened before. But anyway i do like that you did wanna see me happy. Do you do anything for a living? Ah that's interesting I'm kinda just an adventurer so my job isn't really reliable for money since the income can vary depending on what mission you do. You are human right? Well you look Pretty nice for a human but i'd expect you to look good since you can't really live past 100. Well I'm going to Ale & Eats for a drink, do you have anything you want to do? A brothel? Sorry but no i have a cool down timer on the brothels i can go to and when, something about being too needy and small so i can't satisfy the workers there. Either way I'm still mad about being treated like i was a golem by a golem i made modeled after an elf woman i might at a brothel. Well we can talk about what to do while we are getting a drink at Ale & Eats let's go. Oh since we are there what do you go to Ale & Eats for? Y'know to drink, eat, look at mission requests or look at the brothel reviews, are you even old enough to drink? Looking at you I didn't think so. This may be a weird question to ask but which waiter out of Crim the floating Angel boy, or Miss Meidri the walking Bird-woman? Oh you'd prefer Crim? I would too as i already talk to them both Crim is the most approachable for anything and he won't attack if you ask something weird so i stay safe. Speaking of safety, is it safe to say that you can be my friend? I mean we did walk all the way here together kinda like a date y'know? Well I'd be glad to call you my friend but let's go in there and see what adventures come next huh?

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