Chapter 5

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Chapter contains homophobic content/slurs

*Blaine POV*
I rested my hand on top of Riley's dark blue hair, holding his head against my chest. I sighed, knowing that there was another letter waiting for him, having arrived just after dinner. After his response to the last one the only thing I wanted to do was burn the damned thing.

I watched his beautiful eyes flutter open, they were extremely red from all the crying he'd done. "Hey, love, how do you feel?" He gave nothing but a grunt in reply. "I got to talk to Griffin, but I'll be right back, okay?" He gave a small nod before his eyes closed again.

I gently pulled away from him, forcing myself to get off of the comfortable bed. I walked down the hallway and stairs to Griffin's office. I knocked gently before I opened the door. I smiled softly, seeing Eric curled up on Griffin's lap as he worked. "Riley is asleep. He wasn't doing too great, but I think we have to give him the other letter."

Griffin frowned, "I think you're right. Just... be there with him when he opens it, okay?" I nodded with a soft smile on my face. He handed me the letter and I made my way back upstairs.

*Riley POV*
I woke up to Blaine softly closing my bedroom door. In his hand was another letter. I instantly felt my breathing quicken, Blaine rushing to my side. "Hey, love, it's okay. I'll be here when you read it. Everything is going to be fine. I promise." I nod, gently taking the letter from him. I slowly opened it, not prepared for the content.

You truly, truly disgust me. I worked too hard to make you perfect for you to be a fag. You're disgusting. I want absolutely nothing to do with you. I don't care what your mother says, you will never be welcome in my home ever again. Your mother and I can never love you. Who could? Your nothing but a mistake. It's better for everyone if you stay away from us. You are no longer our child.
-Your Former Father

I set the letter down, Blaine gently rubbing my back, having had read over my shoulder. I felt tears sting my eyes, but none fell. "Il a raison. I'm nothing but a mistake."

Blaine rested his head on my back, moving me so I was sitting in his lap. "If you're a mistake, you're the most beautiful mistake I've ever seen."

Tears rolled down my cheeks, my heart wanted to believe him, but my brain knew something else. I was everything they said I was. I didn't deserve to live in this gorgeous home, filled to the brim with handsome men. My chest felt empty, I couldn't feel anything. Not the warmth from Blaine, not the warm stream of tears running down my face  The only thing I could hear was my thoughts, thoughts of hurting myself, of running away, of how no one wanted me.

I was empty.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's on the longer side, compared to my other chapters and I'm pretty proud of it. As always thank you for your support and please leave your thoughts and comments!

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