Chapter 4: Heliopolis and Experiments

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"K-kevin Kaslana" Fuka widened in fear, she never knew, a friend of her, the best moth soldier, alive. The last thing she knew he was stuck in the sea of quanta, but how did he escape, and why now.

"MSA-Hua, where's Fuxi and Nuwa, and I thought your dead, already" he spat at her, he showed his emotionless face to Fuka. The girl was beyond petrified, she only faked her smiled to him.

"Well Kevin, I've been alive for more than 1,000 decades, it would be a pity to ask that, Kevin" Fuka smiled, as Kevin aimed his sword at her, he smiled, showing his baby blue eyes.

"So, I overheard she's the herrcher of the void and a Kaslana huh," Kevin said, giving a signal to a figure, and showing it was Jackal. The woman carried showed her guns to Kiana, as Kevin showed a threatening look to Fuka.

"Well MSA- Hua, tell me, so I heard that you hid the hidden houkai energy from the old world, now, tell me, where is it," He said convincingly, Fuka smirked, she didn't answer until she heard a voice, the voice was weak but powerful, as she realized Kiana Kaslana is awake and overpowered Jackal.

She aimed her divine key to the white-haired man and exclaimed, "WHAT IS YOUR BUSINESS! LEAVE FUKA BE!"

The man only laughs and aimed his fiery sword onto Fuka's neck; Kevin smiled as Kiana aimed her weapon. The man only smiled and said, "Well, little girl, I wouldn't aim your weapons on me, as you know, I had a hostage here~"

"Tch, leave Fuka be already......." She only muttered as she felt an injection slowly making her weak, she screamed in agony as the serum finally went off, making the girl weak and limp.


The girl woke up, as she saw her body in a chain, she felt lightheaded as she yanked her chains, but it's no use. The girl couldn't free herself, the girl saw her friend, Fuka sitting and muttering something. She couldn't hear it, she felt weak, helpless, like her first days alone. The girl heard some footsteps coming to their cell, it was Raven, fully healed, and only frowned in pity. The woman unlocked Kiana's chains and escorted her to the outside. She walked down seeing neither children nor test subjects in cages. Then a large door opened showing a large tube ready for her experiment. The girl was given small wires to her body, she squirms but it doesn't affect a thing. She was in the middle of several pods; she knew that she was underground.

Then a screen turned on, showing that it was Jackal. The woman laughs, "Codename Jackal, starting an experiment, all scientists on place immediately."

"Lord Jackal, were all on place, counting on your command" A gold-haired scientist exclaimed with a sharp but calm voice

"Professor Arata, Inject serum J-15 on the subject, Professor Atsushi, get ready for the houkai tissue, Professor Botan, houkai reactor please, Professor Ayumi, Professor Ayano, Professor Eiko, all files must be ready to launch." Jackal commanded them, "Professor Eri, Professor Fumiko, Professor Hachiro, and Professor Hanako, get ready for Serum K-438, Serum J-100, Blood number 1600, Serum 600, and Houkai serum"

Then the professors are bustling around, finding and taking materials and put it in front of the girl's pod. Then after they're finished they all lined up in front of her and check on a computer.

"Professor Hiromi, start injecting serum J-15" Jackal commanded, the professor walked front and started putting serum inside the pod. Then the other scientist followed the scientist, the started putting serum, houkai tissues, houkai reactors, and other things. Then they all finally done, leaving me in the pod.

-2 months later-

'It's been a long time I've been here, 50 or 60 days, I only felt loneliness in the pods, the scientist only came, visiting every hour of the day, I felt tired I can't sleep, I can't move or feel freedom. I'm alone, tired, wanted deadly to escape, I only can talk a little, barely move an inch from the same simple location.' The girl thought as tears slowly went down to her, the science experiment doesn't hurt much, but she couldn't move an inch, she was tired, she wanted to sleep for a long time but always ended up being up staring at the scientist analyzing her. The girl was tired, her question did help her analyze her real plan, but she knew she needed a plan B to escape. The girl thought that she must save the city, but she couldn't save herself. She overheard that Her class monitor escaped a disappeared, and I knew why, she was calling backup, it was all planned on my thoughts, awaiting my time will finally happen. They're plans only involved using the city as an experiment, it was a crime against humanity. The Kaslana Valkyrie knew that from the start, stigmata zombies roaming around, robots, car transportation to Heliopolis, and many suspicions leading the girl needed to save the city.

"All systems inside Subject 07121999 are normal, no houkai reaction, fascinating, your cells heal easily, unexpected from a test subject like you," Jackal said, smiling in satisfaction.

"Can you talk?" She asked, while writing files on the projector, the woman secretly smiled.

"H-how, m-many T-test s-subject you've k-killed?" The girl stammered she hasn't talked in full sentence for a while.

"How can a mere god like you ask like that, you've killed thousands of families, what makes you asked that?" Jackal asked, with a fake smile.

"I-I'm j-just an m-mere V-vessel J-jackal, I-I've had curiosity a-also y-ya'know" Kiana stammered, she doesn't know the actual reason Sirin became a herrcher, it must've been Schicksal's experiment.

"Very well, but I don't think you can hear much" Jackal crackled, as she pressed one off the buttons making the test tube activate, the girl faked her screaming and crying. The woman only laughs, as she gave more 'torcher' to the girl, the girl only felt less pain, her houkai resistance were stronger than Jackal's experiment. The woman kept giving her experiment as the girl asked questions.

"Tch, you bore me you know, well then I'll call the scientist for dissection," The woman said, as Kiana grinned mysteriously, she thought it was a joke; it was a fun little show. The girl's face turned from an injured fawn to the role of a hunter.

"W-well, I was faking it all along" Kiana stated as she continued, "I thought you and you're scientist just give me simple information, what a waste of month"

"What are you talking abo-"I've known your plans, it was nothing but terrorism to humanity ya'know, using honkai energy spike to explode the whole city and my core to help it, you'll end up killing all of us in just on explosion ya'know, why did you do that?" Kiana asked with rage on her blood.

"We wanted to have an experiment, us the world serpent and our genius minds will combine together and stop the herrcher and the houkai for good" The woman stated.

"That's the information I needed, but I don't think that would be any better Jackal, by the way, you and the world serpent will make humanity even worse than Schicksal, humanity is just cruel ya'know" Kiana said challengingly, then she smashed the cold pod glass with her bare hands, the girl smiled mischievously and said, "Well looks like your plan will be as broken as this glass, Jackal!"

"I don't think so, Herrcher of the void" Jackal crackled, as Kiana Kept breaking the glass with her bare hands.

"Shut it, dog face, you're little plans will crumble like this glass" she exclaimed as the glass broke, the girl gipped the wires and jump down to the floor. 'At least the white comet is fine, but I somehow needed to charge it using my herrcher power' Kiana thought as she summoned her guns, she looked around to get ready for new enemy approach as she heard sirens loud and clear. Then, a void monster appeared, Kiana fought the monster single-handedly, the monster fell and disintegrated. She then ran to the large door fighting new enemies alone.

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