The Poseidon children make all hell break loose

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3rd person POV

"Next," said Alyssa. Percy glared at her. He wanted a break.

"Hey, has anyone seen Chloe?" Annabeth blurted.
"Chloe Moore?" Nico asked.

"Yes, our sister," Percy and Alyssa said in unison.

Nico rolled his eyes. "She's coming over the hill," he gestured to his left. A figure with dark curls cascaded all over her shoulders was running up to them, waving.

"Sorry for not coming earlier, Mr D was making me play pinochle with him and Chiron again," she said, fist bumping her siblings.

"Hey, we haven't asked Chloe yet!" Nora exclaimed.
"Right! Chloe, truth or dare?" Alyssa giggled madly, rubbing her hands together.

Chloe tapped her chin, thinking for a second. "I'll have a dare," she decided, eyes lighting up.

"Oh, this is just too good!" Alyssa clapped her hands, jumping up and down until she realized something.

"What should I dare Chloe?" She asked.
Everyone gaped. "Didn't you plan already?" Asked Leo.

"To answer your question, no," the blue haired girl replied, running her fingers through her hair. Nico snorted in frustration, face palming. "I thought of a good dare."

Connor's eye lit up. "Say what?" He said, a mischievous grin sliding across his cheeks. All this time, Chloe was standing there with an 'I have no idea what is going on' face.

Nico clamped his hand over Alyssa's cackling mouth and said, "I dare the Poseidon kids to challenge Mr D to an epic game of Pinochle. Winner takes all."

The Poseidon trio gave a dramatic gasp. "We can't do that! He would smite us!" Alyssa waved her arms in the air. Chloe nodded. "We might not even win," she shrugged. Percy gasped again for effect. Nico smirked.

"Well, it's a dare, and you'll have to do it anyway, have fun!" Travis said, stifling a guffaw.

Alyssa huffed and punched him in the stomach. "Ow! Aquawoman, watch where your fists are going," he protested, doubling up. "Chloe, control your sister!" He pleaded. Chloe laughed and chose to ignore his plea.

"Well, go! We can't wait here all day," smirked Nora, an evil grin creeping to her ears. "Watch out, I think your mouth is trying to escape," Chloe snorted. Nora rolled her eyes and gestured for them to naff off.

The children of Poseidon made their way to The Big House. "What do we take if we win, anyway?" Alyssa mused. Percy grunted.

"We just get a can of Diet Coke. And a peeled grape," he grumbled.

"Why did I agree to this?"wondered Chloe.

The three of them went up to the porch of The Big House. "How do we ask Mr D, anyway?" Percy wondered.

Alyssa gave him a knowing look, then marched up to the already open door, shut it again, and then banged on it like a SWAT team and barked, "Behold, the us! The three musketeers have come to challenge a pinochle blabladida!"

Percy and Chloe exchanged dazed looks.

The door swung open and Mr D's bored drawl floated out of the room, "Ant-man Pizzaface? Come in."

The blue haired girl inclined her head towards the doorway. Percy lead the way in, with his two sisters tailing him.

"There we are. Potato Janitor, Angered Poodle, and Cuddlebear Moo-cow," Mr D drawled lazily. "Pinochle?" He gestured towards the chairs.

"Well? Sit. I don't have all day, I must defeat Blinky." Mr D said with a straight face. The three of us sat down and took the playing cards.

We played for a while and it seemed like we were winning, but then the others crashed into the room with cameras. "Dish out the details!" Crowed Leo, a superior expression printed across his elfish Latino face.

We all dropped our playing cards where they fell onto the floor and got mixed up. "Curse this! I was going to win!" Mr D shouted, tossing his cards onto the floor.

"Why dont we play UNO instead?" suggested the blue haired girl.

Mr D furrowed his brow. "You have a point, Anaesthesia Phone-number! UNO it is."

The wine dude waved his hand and conjured a pack of UNO cards out of nowhere. "Well? Take the cards, you brats," he said, sighing at his unluckiness to be sitting here playing UNO with demigod children.

Chloe shuffled the cards, and everyone fanned them out. Mr D sighed, and put out a blue reverse card. The game began.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Alyssa yelled in pain as Mr D added four more cards to her deck.

Percy hissed at his pile of cards.

Chloe fought the urge to feed the cards to Grover.

Mr D smirked. He only had one card left. One card left, and he could win the game, shame these three demigods, and defeat Blinky. As a bonus, he could also brag about it to Barnacle Beard, Poseidon.

Alyssa, with a trembling hand, reached to take another card from the spare deck. Jackpot.

She triumphantly added two cards to Mr D's deck.

"Percy, you're up," Chloe said, squinting at her cards.

Percy put out his last card. "I win," he said, sticking his chin up proudly.

"What do we get as a reward?" Chloe said in askance. Mr D grumbled.

"You get a can of Diet Coke and a peeled grape. Now go, insufferable worms," he said, popping the top of his drink and taking a long swig.

"Shut the door on your way out," Mr. D called from the room.

"So, we won," bragged Percy.

"UNO doesn't take any real skill," Nico said bitterly. "It's only luck."

"Say that again, Death Boy?" Alyssa growled.

Nora stifled a laugh. "I know you're all tired from playing for half an hour straight, lets go back to your cabin and keep playing," she said, a mirthful tone creeping into her voice.

"Fine." Alyssa huffed.

Nico let out a relieved breath.

"But Nico and I have to do a rematch next week after we do the lava wall rematch challenge," the girl said with a grin.

"Will! Doctors note, please?" Nico asked. "Sorry sunshine," Will gave an apologetic smile.

"UGHHHHHHH," Nico groaned as everyone trudged back to the cabins laughing and joking.

A/N: thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry it's a bit sucky, I had other things on my mind and this was the best I could do.

Anyway, go check out: Quidditch_Dreamer if y'all wanna see more about Chloe.)

Alyssa Phoenix, daughter of Poseidon, Alyssa in, Alyssa Out.

❝Also, thank you so much for ③③ followers, it means a lot.❞


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