Conde Nast Traveller, Croissant flavoured Snickers and Calming Kym

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Aphrodite was flipping through the newest edition of Conde Nast Traveller when she heard a deafening bang from below Olympus.

She peered out of the window, expecting to see something heartbreaking or romantic, but was severely disappointed.

"My, oh my," she tutted disapprovingly. For all she saw was a bunch of teens clinging for their lives as the boat they were on tossed and twirled like a toy bobbing on the high seas. 

Then she considered the fact that this might very well end up like Titanic. "I should give them a little... help," she smiled and disappeared in a flash of pink, leaving nothing but a whirlwind of rose petals behind.

"Hello, girls, boys and everything in between," the goddess of love descended onto the boat, her posture perfect and every step she took sure and steady. "What seems to be the problem?"

"WE'RE DYING," Lester howled, hugging the mast. "AND WE DON'T WANT TO DIE."

"Speak for yourself," Meg said, holding a rope between her teeth and twirling like a windmill in the storm.

"Oh my," Aphrodite put a hand to her mouth. "This is a very interesting turn of events."

"AAAAAHH- BLEARGHH!" Lester bent over and chucked the contents of his guts into the sea. 

Kym surfaced from the churning sea foam in all her giant monster truck glory, her eyes gleaming with rage. "This is my storm and you'll spare it of your disgusting bodily fluids, mortal!" 

"I'm Apollo!" Lester wheezed and released a second gallon of vomit.

Kym glared and spun her disk more. Lester flew off the deck with a deafening squeal. 

"What an interesting turn of events," Aphrodite remarked over the storm, flipping through the magazine labelled 'Aphrodite and how to be just like her'. 

"HELP US, MOM!" Piper shouted, leaning over the rail.

"Oh, no, sweetie, you're doing great," Aphrodite smiled supportively. "You don't need any help at all, you're a strong girl!" She held up two thumbs ups.

Piper emptied a bucket of seawater and turned around to fill it again, purposely allowing flecks of water to douse Aphrodite's dress. The love goddess raised a perfectly manicured finger and flicked the water away.

Kym started throwing her disk like a boomerang. "Why do I always bump into you?" She scowled, flinging the disk at the mast. Annabeth ducked, missing the pointed disk by mere inches.

"Where's Percy and Jason?" Katie hugged the side of the boat. "Aren't they supposed to, uh, stop the angry goddess?"

"HEY! KYM!" Percy's voice floated up from the surface of the water. 

"Little brother, I spared you and your little friends last time, but this time is different," Kym's jellyfish hair swayed as she got ready to throw the disk again. 

"We didn't know you had a storm going, Kym," Jason said, floating above the waves.

"That is impossible, I sent out emails to everyone about it," Kym folded her arms indignantly. 

"We don't have phones."


"Can you stop the storm? My friends are going surfboarding, and they're drowning," Meg stated, looking Kymopoleia in the eye.

"Your friends received the email! I'm not going to stop! Dad gave Triton a palace for his birthday, but what does he give me? He gives me a MONSTER TRUCK!" Kym roared, giving the boat a good kick.

"I like monster trucks," Leo said with utter disbelief. "How can anyone not like monster trucks?"

Kym blasted water in his face. 

"HEY!" Leo yelled, wiping his face with his sodden sleeve. 

"I'm going to wreck your pretty boat. A shame it's so flimsy," Kym ignored him. 

"NO! WE'LL MAKE YOU A PALACE! DON'T WRECK THE ARGO THREE!" Percy grabbed Kym around the ankle. 

"GET OFF, BROTHER!" She yelled, shaking her leg.

Pandemonium broke out. 

I mean, it was already pandemonium since the start, but no matter.

"Kym, darling!" Aphrodite's voice called out above the storm.


"Kym, darling, eat a snickers. You're not you when you're hungry," Aphrodite said sweetly, holding up a snickers for the giant goddess. 

Kymopoleia took the Snickers from the love goddess's hand. "I'll eat it later," she scowled.

"You'll eat it now, dear," Aphrodite said firmly.

"I'll... I'll eat it now," Kym agreed, swayed by Aphrodite's voice. She opened her mouth and ate the tiny croissant flavoured snicker whole, not even chewing.

All the half bloods held their breath, Percy holding his partly because he had gotten sandwiched inside the leather strap of Kim's sandal and was being squeezed to death.

"Mm," Kym shrugged and shrunk down to normal size. She was now sitting in the driver's seat of a bright purple monster truck with black wave patterns. "This isn't so bad. Brother, get off, get your boat and get everyone in. I'm giving you all a lift."

Everyone piled in, some standing and some squished towards the sides. "Hold on," Kym said as she stepped on the pedal and steered them back towards Camp Half Blood. 

They disappeared in a streak of sea foam.

- time skip brought to you by Kym's favourite snickers -

"I'm never doing this again," Travis announced, lying on the ground like a dead fish.

"Neither am I," Connor nodded feebly, rolling over.

"You guys are nuts. I wanna go again," Meg pointed at the waves, which were getting bigger. 

"NO," everyone else yelled.

(Authors note: So I guess this is the end of the book. It's been great meeting people through my fanfiction, and thank you so much for reading. Whoever stuck around till the very end despite my four month long hiatus, I thank you. For the others who didn't and just skimmed through a couple of chapters before losing interest, I thank you too. 

Now shoo and read some better fanfictions than mine.

Also, do check out one of my crackfics, The Worst PJO Fanfic. I don't normally self promote, but still. It's the end of a book so I can do what I want.

Thank you and goodbye.)

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