Nico goes overboard (literally)

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(This will probably be the last chapter, since I have no idea how to end this book. For all the people who read this book, thank you. This book was pure cringe, but thank you anyway.)

"I refuse to do that dare," Apollo fumed, although he couldn't do anything about it. 

"Ah, shuddup," Alyssa replied carelessly, doodling sunflowers on his ankles. He stepped out of reach and kicked the marker out of her hand. "Hey!" she yelled, crawling past his legs to retrieve it. He stepped on it and sent it rolling out the door.

"I will NOT do that dare," he continued fuming. "Come on, Sunny Side Up, it's just a game," chided Jess. 

"No!" he shouted, stomping his foot childishly. Meg burped quietly and scooted aside. Luna was intent on whopping a spider with a mallet.

"Fine, okay!" Jason raised his hands to placate the screaming god. "We'll give you a less inappropriate dare." Apollo nodded, appeased. "What is my humiliation for this time?"

"Hmm. Y'know what, come with me, Percy, my bro. We need to converse," Jason grabbed Percy's arm and yanked him towards the bathrooms.

The rest of the half-bloods and non-half-bloods scootched near the door and pressed their ears against it.

"Bro, I've got this really cool toy boat," Percy said, muffled. Jason could be heard clapping his hands. 

"Bro, what're you going to do with it, bro?" He asked Percy. Percy was silent for a few seconds. Then an idea hit him. 

"Bro. How about we ask Lou Ellen to enlarge it for us, then dare Apollo to get onboard when it's rocking like crazy," he suggested. "Then, we'll drive it into... wait for it... A HURRICANE."

"OH MY GODS, BRO. YES THAT'S A GREAT IDEA," Jason squealed, quite audibly. "YOUR ABS ARE TOTALLY COOL, BRO," he yelled even more audibly.

"OMG YOURS TOO, BRO," Percy shouted. "CHEST BUMP!" 

The sound of two immature people chest bumping could be heard.

"Okay bro, let's go back out and tell them about our AMAZHANG IDEA," Jason shrieked. The truth or dare players blanched and backed towards the center of the room, where a scuffle happened due to Apollo trodding on the top of Meg's head.

The bros opened the door and stepped back outside.

"SOOO WE THOUGHT OF THIS DARE," said Percy in some sort of 'mean girl' voice.

Apollo sighed, knowing the dangers that lay ahead.


"STEER A BOAT," Jason continued.

"INTO," Percy yelled.

"A hurricane," mumbled Chloe, who was rolling on the floor in utmost pain, for Lester had stood on her stomach by accident.

"YEP!" Percy shouted, not even considering the fact that Chloe, or as a matter of fact, everyone knew the dare. Jason, however, wrinkled his nose as if there were a smell in the room he couldn't pinpoint exactly. 

"ANYWAY LET'S GOOO!" Percy single-handedly grabbed half of the truth or dare players as they stumbled out of the door like horsemen on kerosene.

~time skip brought to you by me screaming~

The stumbling stumblers stumbled onto the dock which they'd gotten permission to drive to.

Some pot-bellied tourist walked past in a Hawaiian flower print beach shirt, mumbling about stinky marauds of children appearing at the dock every morning at 9:30:08:01.

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