|| chapter 1 / late ||

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| jaehwa's pov |

the afternoon sun hit my fair skin as i walked through the busy park. it was a wonderful day outside today, seeing all the flowers in bloom and the sun out while the cool breeze danced through the air.

the aroma of coffee met my nose, pushing me closer to the café. i smiled and bit my bottom lip as i looked down at my watch.

"oh shit!", i yelled. i picked up my pace and eventually started running. i was fifteen minutes late to my friend date with jimin and i knew that when i got there, he'd tease me about it.

there i stood in front of the small building out of breath. i lightly combed my hair with my fingers then went inside the cool environment.

my eyes wandered around the settings until they met with jimins sharp gaze. he raised his eyebrows and smiled. i walked over to the black table quickly and sat down.

"i'm so sorry i'm late! you see, it's a nice day today and—", i was cut off.

"oh no, i see. nature is more important than i am. i see how it is.", he joked, hitting his chest.

i laughed and shook my head. "you're really something else jimin. but anyway, i'm sorry i was late.", i apologized.

"again.", he mumbled with a smirk.

i rolled my eyes and sighed. "whatever."

picking up the menu, my eyes scanned each item option. i hummed and hummed until i made up my mind.

"i'm ready to order jimin.", i said. he nodded his head and got up to the counter and ordered both our drinks.

i sat there in silence as thoughts tackled each other in my mind. a tap on my shoulder scurried the thoughts away as i turned around to the individual standing there.

"hey!", i said abruptly.

sierra, my best friends sister, stood before me with a wide smile. her vanilla scent jumped off of her and into my senses. she wrapped her careful arms around me and hugged me tight.

"how've you been? you've grown so much! ugh, and the maturity in your face! not so baby like anymore.", she pouted.

i laughed a little and looked at her with pity. "i've been good. just a little busy lately with college and work. how are you and your mom?", i asked.

her smile faded for a second until a new one popped up. "i'm good, just busy as well. she's good too, i think.", she lied.

her eyes glazed over with tears and her smile disappeared. i stepped in and hugged her again for comfort.

"it'll be okay, ok?", i reassured her. "i know clara's proud of you."

she weakly smiled and wiped a tear that escaped from her almond eyes.

"oh, i have something for you!", she said.

setting her purse on the table, she searched through the bag roughly. i watched from the side as she pulled out a small royal blue box. she turned around with an innocent smile and and reached out for my hand.

"close your eyes.", she whispered.

i did what she said and exhaled. she placed the small object in my hand and took a step back.

"ok, now open."

looking at my hands was a small diamond necklace in the shape of a heart. i smiled and touched the fragile object with my pointer finger.

"it's beautiful sierra, thank you!", i said.

she smiled and hugged me once again, except this time, tightly. "it was clara's. before she died, she was planning to get you one, but it was too late. so, i decided to give this to you in remembrance of her."

stepping away from me, she grabbed her purse and walked away waving goodbye.
i looked down at the shining object and admired the beauty it withheld.

"oooh, what is that?", jimin whispered into my ear, making me jump.

"it's a gift from sierra.", i mumbled, still focused on the necklace.

he hummed in response and crossed his arms. i looked up at him and furrowed my eyebrows.

"what?", i asked. he shook his head and looked away. a moment of silence passed until jimin decided to speak. 

"so,", jimin started. "whatcha been up to?".

i looked at him then slightly tilted my head, thinking. "nothing much really. just homework and stuff."

he cocked up an eyebrow and leaned forward. "stuff? what stuff?".

rolling my eyes, i rest my head against my hand. "i'm just busy. i have to work and study and do all that time consuming shit."

he licked his lips and ran his fingers through his soft, blond hair. his caring eyes looked into mine as he responded.

"well, learn to relax. whenever you have the time off, take a break.", he told me. "you don't need to over work yourself."

"yea, you're right.", i agreed.

jimins name was called from the counter, letting us know our drinks were ready. jimin hopped up and grabbed our drinks. he set them down carefully on the table and swung his body around the circular table and onto his chair.

i took a sip of the burning liquid and swallowed, making my esophagus raw. "the coffee is a little hot jimin, so be careful.", i warned him.

"youre right. the coffee is hot.", he winked.

a red tint covered my cheeks as i looked down. his ways of making me feel sorts of things left me questioning whether my feelings are there or not.

but like making coffee, it takes one drip at a time...

/ authors note /

hello lovely readers!!

thank you for reading the first chapter 😌 i know it was lowkey boring, but the next chapter will be filled with much more stuff. i promise.

i hope you all had an amazing day today and that you smiled more than once! stay tuned for upcoming chapters!

*sprinkles love all over you*



this book is dedicated to bunnykyun-

please go follow her if you haven't yet!! 💜💜💜

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