|| prologue ||

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| jaehwa's pov |

i sat alone in the booth at the café waiting for jimin to arrive. clanks of coffee mugs sounded in the background as i went deep in my thoughts.

ten minutes passed and jimin still hadn't arrived. i picked up my phone up, ready to text him until the bell from the door rang. my eyes looked up from the screen and saw two figures walking toward me. one girl, one boy.

i bit my lip and forced a smile. standing up, i bowed and invited both of them to sit down. jimin smiled too and searched the menu.

"about time you showed up!", i teased. the female sitting next to him shot me a death glare.

"he was a little late getting ready.", she snapped.

i sighed, crossing my arms. watching the two point at the menu and debating what drink they should get, i began to stare at jimin.

his plump lips moved as he spoke soft words. strands of his black hair fell onto his caring eyes, causing him to move them with his small hands.

snapping me out of my gaze, a waiter came over to take our order. jimin ordered first, and then his girlfriend, second; i was the last.

"a caramel macchiato.", i said. the waiter smiled and walked away the menus in hand.

"so, how've you been?", jimin spoke up. "oh, and this is mikyong, if you didn't know already."

"good and nice to meet you.", i quickly answered. he gave me an uncertain look and cocked up an eyebrow.

"yea, ok.", he sarcastically remarked.

"she said she's good jimin. don't worry.", mikyong said.

the two across from me began a conversation between themselves. i pulled my phone out and scrolled through instagram.

pictures from jimin's profile popped up. many of them were taken of or with his girlfriend. as i looked at each one, i noticed something on his neck.

a hickey.

my eyes drew themselves up and to his neck. the hickey was still there. a pain hit into my chest as the picture glued itself in my head.

our drinks were set before us carefully, filling our noses with the steam coming from the hot substance. jimin took a sip, then licked his lips.

little conversations were sparked but didn't last too long. a boring hour had past which was enough for me. i stood up and slammed $5 onto the table. jimin and his girlfriend looked up at me with wide eyes.

"where are you going?", he questioned.

"i have to go to work. thanks for the date.", i said.

walking away, tears crowded my eyes. my vision blurred until they ran down my face.

jimin has changed through the past two years, and it wasn't a good change. he became jealous and cocky, and i never knew why.

but sometimes, it just takes a couple words to change it all.....

/ authors note /

hi lovely readers!!

thank you for dippin into this book and being interested. i don't know why, but the prologue was kinda poopy and i hope that even though it wasn't the best, you'll still look forward to the book.

through the next few chapters, new things will be brought up which will soon lead to upcoming things.

again thank you for reading!! it means a lot :)

have a wonderful day! don't forget to smile!! oh, and please don't forget to comment + vote!!

*sprinkles love all over you*



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