Chapter - 3 The First Meeting

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"Ms Evangeline Rose, you have been called to CEO's office. Follow me."

'As if I have any other choice.' she followed him quietly. As they entered the lift with each ascending floor her heart beat was increasing. Finally the lift stopped at the top floor. She was so nervous that she didn't even realised she was holding her breath and her palms were now damp. Lift doors opened and Eva followed Alex. They finally stopped in front of a large wooden door.

"This is CEO's office. You may enter now."

With this, Alex left. Leaving her alone. Standing in front of CEO's office door.

She lifted her hand to knock on the door but all her courage evaporated.
'It feels like I am standing in front of a door that leads to hell. I should have submitted my resignation letter. But what kind of CEO is he? It was just a small just a quick peck on cheek. Does he have to act all high and mighty? I don't have any contagious disease. Can't  he just forget about it? And he should be happy that I kissed him. I've never kissed any man...other than my dad and that too when I was a kid... even though it's just a peck on cheek. I will still call it a kiss.'

'You are not a beautiful princess of a rich country so why do you think he will be happy to be kissed by you?' an inner voice taunted her.

'Shut up! I am already very nervous.' Thus a war of words started within her.

'Who told you to kiss him?'

'It was all his fault for wearing a green jacket. Couldn't he just wear formals? Like every boss in  a company. Ok... I have decided now. I will just give my resignation letter and look for another job.'

'Yeah! a new job that you will take months to find.'

'Can't you be a bit more supportive to you owner,i.e., me. I'm going to quit. No time for second thoughts.'

With the final decision made, she turned around and suddenly her head collided with something hard.

"Ouch!" Rubbing her head she tried to focus at what had hit her. Her eyes met with a hard chest covered in a tailored shirt and a coat, travelling up to a perfect jawline and sculpted lips and an arrogant nose and a very familiar pair of blue green eyes...' Liam Richardson!?' Her eyes widened in shock as her brain finally registered the image of the person in front of her. She gulped.

"Planning to run away, Miss Evangeline Rose?" he asked arching a brow.

"No. I...Umm.." she felt as if her voice got stuck in her throat. "You weren't inside so-"

"Oh! You have some hidden power to see through the door, I guess." He taunted her.

She lowered her head and squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. 'So you were watching me.' She tried to think of something really quick that could help her escape from this situation.
"Your secretary said that you have something to talk about." She desperately tried to change the topic.

"Yeah. Come in." He opened the door to his office and she followed him inside.

His office was painted with white. There was a large wooden desk which was occupying the centre of the office with the chair for the CEO. To her left, there was a bookshelf stacked with books... some of which were her favorites like alchemist, The secret. 'Does he read?'
To her right, there were two paintings on the walls which she was sure costed thousands of dollars.

"Are you interested in paintings?" he asked interrupting her inspection.

"No. Not really. I like books more."

It began with a kiss (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now