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A pair of butterflies were flying among the orchids. The fragrance of the orchids is all over the room.

I was suddenly woken up. Sheets of paper flew everywhere. I had forgotten to close the window, or did I? I don't exactly remember, but it's not as it is an important thing to remember.

Sunlight was everywhere in my room. It did bother me, but I could sleep with it.

I was almost asleep again, but then I heard a yell from somewhere in the house.

"Get up! Today we have so much work!"

It was my mum and it seems like we have work to do? Honestly if I could I would jump from my balcony and run away, oh wait I can. But it will mean an instant death for me.

Hmm, I had a very interesting dream . I remember, very clearly how someone brushed my hair back with fingers that could have belonged to one of the graceful Ancient Greece sculptures.

I quickly dressed up. Just a casual outfit - jeans, black blouse and a sweater.


I was in the kitchen, making a breakfast for myself. By 'making a breakfast' I mean - searching for something edible.

"So, what's that 'work', that you were speaking about earlier?"

"We are invited to a party held by Karl Heinz., my mom answered quickly, before flashing a disappointed look at my kit-kat bar, that was in my hands."

I just shrugged my shoulders, in a 'too  lazy to care what food I eat' manner.

"And what's the reason for that party? Why are we even invited. I mean I know, that dad and this guy are like best friends, but..Why do I have to-"

"You have to come, whether you like it or not."

I hit my head on the table.

"Okay..."I replied in a lazy voice.

"Now prepare yourself, we are going out!"

"We? But I can take care of myself!"

"If I leave you to choose what to wear, you will probably come to the party in your pajama."

"Nice suggestion mom! Thank you? Are there any formal pajamas? - I sarcastically uttered."

My mom repeated my full name several times, while obviously becoming angry with me.

"Just kidding, chill. I will come with you, ugh."I groaned.

My mom is not that...bad, but she can be scary, when angry, I reminded myself.


I dragged myself after my mom. It was so boring, and I was so hungry and dehydrated. Ahh, I need water and maybe blood?

Anyways. After a lot of headaches, my mum and I finally found an outfit. It odd-looking dress, however I liked it. The dress made of it is ethernal and enchanting and the pattern is lifelike, stood on me good.

Moments later I was finally in home. My window was open, allowing a breeze to caresses me, giving me a feeling of peace.

Soon I found myself asleep, again.


Waking up face to face with the angry vampire of my mom was something I didn't want to experience. Yet, life continued to mock me and make me go through this every single day.

"I have been calling you from twenty minutes. We are going to be so late!" She yelled.

"Late? Wh...what time it is...?" I half asleep asked.

"Ten in the evening!" After hearing her answer I quickly got up. Any sight of my sleepiness was gone and all there was left was anxiety.

While my father was a good friend with KarlHeinz, the vampire king was not someone to be taken lightly. If he tells you an hour you need to be there right on the dot, not even a second late. He was nice when it was advantageous of him. And he was cruel when being nice did not serve him anymore. That was something most royal families close to the crown knew very well. From one mouth to order, the awful endings of the poor souls who choose to disrespect him, even if it was intentional, were shared.

I reminded myself all of the proper etiquette that a royal vampire is supposed to portray at the ball. From small things like with which wave to hand at the king when bowing to considerably important things like how to properly address him.

And of course, the most important one - to never be late.

After having done my hair and fixed my appearance I wore the odd dress. I looked in the mirror and was slightly taken aback. This dress, it really...feels strange. There is an explicable aura to it that makes me feel uneasy by looking at it only.

"Mom, I am ready!"

"Let's go then." My mom appeared and she was too looking gorgeous.

There is a saying that red looks best on vampires. I suppose it comes from the fact we drink blood. However that night I wore purple.

I really hope you enjoyed this chapter./2020

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