Chapter THREE

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"You bitch!" The bearded man screamed, eyes bulging as he glared at the blonde. A huge faded red mark covered part of his face. The blonde could only stare wide-eyed what she had just done.

"You dare attack a royal guard?!?" He spoke, seething.

There was quite a crowd surrounding the two, the area seemed to be rising in the heat but no one had seemed to care about the immensely rising temperature—except for Lucy.

"Natsu..." his name left her lips as she quickly glanced around, completely ignoring the danger right in front of her.

He had gotten more livid as he noticed that she stopped paying any attention, completely ignoring his insults towards her.

Having enough with the blonde woman, screaming in her face—he raised his hand.

Lucy's chocolate eyes widened at the rough man, his arm raised—seemingly ready to strike.

"Forget you whore—" She raised both her arms, shielding her face but the attack never came.

Shocked that nothing had come to her, she peaked out as she saw the back of a man who towered over her scared form.


Of course, she couldn't see his expression but she could feel the heat radiating off his body— he was quite angry.


Anger was an understatement at what the demon was feeling right now.

He was seething.

He had got to the scene in time where he assessed the situation.

His magic energy flared to life as the temperature raised, making it hot in the area. He had seen the blonde notice the change in the atmosphere, making her lose focus at her attacker.

His eyes had turned to slits—now red— as he watched the repulsive human raise his hand against Lucy.

In a moment, he rushed in, stepping between the two as he caught the man's wrist.

He really wanted to kill this human and burn down this town.

"Wha—who are you to interfere with a Royal Guard's duty!?" The man yelled hysterically, eyes bugged. Natsu's face held no emotion but his stare was hard.

He could easily snap this man's wrist, break his arm—burn him alive and eat his charred body.

But not with Lucy around.

The proclaimed guard looked distraught as he tried to pry his hand out of the demon's death grip. He looked around, noticing there was a crowd of townsfolk, whispering amongst themselves.

"I'll repeat myself again, unhand me and I just might let you off with a warning," he smirked, getting cocky. Of course, the doomed man didn't know who he was talking to.

"I need to deal with this slut" As those words left his mouth. Natsu surrounded his hand in hot orange flames—the same one that gripped the guard's wrist.

The guard let out a strangled howl as he looked down to see his hand up in flames.

Natsu was enjoying this, cracking a little smirk. It had been some time since he tortured, even if it wasn't much—it did give him some relief.

The demon hated how the man talked to Lucy, if he could, he would give this man a slow painful death—slowly burning everything that he loved, ripping him limb from limb as the man could only stare and watch as he saw the hellion eat his body.

Without noticing, his flames turned to a dark red—releasing some of his demonic flames. The man's hand was probably disfigured by now—he was now screaming, pulling frantically with his other hand.

He would've done so much more if he hadn't felt the tug on his shirt.

"Natsu... please," The blonde's head was nestled into his back as she gripped onto his shirt—it was only a whisper but he heard it. His flames immediately fizzled out as his eyes widened.

He had lost control of himself.

"That's enough..." she spoke again. Hesitant, he loosened his grip on the man's hand.

The bearded guard noticed the flames had gone out and quickly pried his now heavily burnt hand.

The guard eyes were frantic, heaving as he caressed his burnt arm.

"Using magic... is forbidden if...not in a guild"

And that was true. Mages who used their magic illegally could be punished by treason. But that wasn't on the demon's mind at the moment. He couldn't care less about the law right now.

"I don't care..." he spoke lowly, shadowing his face. He was having an internal struggle with himself, he really wanted to burn this whole town down to the ground. It took every bit of power to stop himself from killing this human right then and there.

"But if you ever touch her again" He stepped over to him, face inches apart. Even though they were about the same height, the guard still felt the dominance from the pink-haired man—he cowered as he stared into the hellion's eyes.

"I won't hesitate to burn you alive" The demon's eyes flashed red momentarily, his native accent leaking.

He saw the fear in the meek human's eyes, he inwardly smirked at that. As much as he really wanted to kill the human he was still satisfied with his reaction.

The proclaimed guard held fear in his eyes as his whole body shook in fright.


Natsu's nose flared as he smelt the urine come from the irritating human in front of him.

Enough with the situation, the pink-haired demon turned away—the blonde following close behind.

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