The Comeback or not

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After that he leaves and heads out, she does the same while she is heading out to the parking lot she sees Chloe standing by her motorbike she walks up to it and Chloe says " hey" she replies "hey" Chloe then says "Look, I'm sorry for what I did I didn't mean to make u mad or anything but just like everyone else I see potential in you, you could do about anything if u tried hard enough, you're a person with alot of talents you are also really smart but it's the lack of effort you put into things that hold you back, I guess I was just trying to help." Jessica replies "The project, what's the plan."

The project was to work together and find a way to make a dream house for more than one person taking everyone different ideas and colliding it together to make it work.

"Well that's what I had to tell you just before I left the teacher told me he added someone to work with us .... Remember Ashton Luke's friend " replied Jessica "he is working with us.".... "another person I can't stand" replies Chloe just when she says that he shows up besides then and tell them he just heard, then they all plan to go to Chloe's house to work on the project they set the time to six o'clock enough time to go in and get ready and meet up at the house.

So that's is what they did they went their own ways and met up at the house at 6 , Jessica was the first one to arrive she took her motorbike and went then 5 minutes after that is when Luke showed up.

He was driving a 1970's red ford pickup truck he got out of the truck and was wearing a red and black plaid shirt, blue worn out jeans and timberlands ... Jessica was wearing ripped jeans with a simple grey sweater and Chloe was wearing a fancy black off the shoulders shirt and dark blue jeggings.

They all went upstairs and started working on the homework they were all brainstorming ideas.

Luke idea was a small country house in the middle of no where .... Trail close by .... Barn animals to look... after ( sheep, goat, pigs , cows, horses , fish), a big garden where he can plant everything he needs so he don't have to go out and get grocery .... Place for a campfire. He wanted the full country life.

Chloe wanted a to be in the city in a condo where she didn't have to do anything and had everything right near her.

Jessica wanted something like what Chloe was currently living at she wanted something country but still able to get to store and stuff. She wanted to live the full country life but also have a bit of a city life.

So they decided to take more of Jessica's idea and add both of their stuff to it the first day it was more just brainstorming and kinda seeing what everyone wanted. They left the rest up until the next day then they decided they were finished and put on some netflix to watch and Jessica stepped out to call her mom to tell her she will be a out a bit longer.

While she was talking to her mom on the phone Luke came up beside her and asked to speak to her quick. He starts off by saying "I was gonna leave it till tomorrow but we have this project and will be here working on it tomorrow" "It's about what I wanted to tell you." Jessica replies with "what is it." Luke replies "I have a this guy who I am really good friends with and from the first day I saw u I felt like I recognized you then I put two and two together"..........

"My friend is your twin brother Jess, He's your dad's kid...... His name is Jakob...
I saw some photos from when you were younger and he also took a DNA test a while back and found some relatives, we totally forgot about it all until I saw you so I went back and checked it looking to see if you we're on it and you were."

It took her a bit to process it all so she just kinda stood there and didn't say anything then she finally said "wait, so you know my dad." Luke replies with" well kinda yeah that the other thing, I knew him basically my whole life my parents and him were good friends. " "But you should know first that your dad is not around anymore."

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