To be done or not

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Jessica and her mom had a hour argument about this whole twin thing and Jessica's mom was determined for her not to go and see him. But Jessica really wanted to meet her sibling to see what he is like and all so she didn't even bother fighting with her mom anymore just to make her happy and she just headed to bed.

The next morning Jessica gets up bright and early ready to go to school Goes to change her clothes then heads downstairs to go get breakfast, makes herself toast and grabs some orange juice then headed out to school since she got up early and still had alot of time left she decided to walk to school.

She got to school headed to her locker after that she went to find Luke to talk to him before classs she continued down this wall and turned when she saw his at the water fountain getting a drink.

She walked up beside him and stood by the wall he looked up at her and said "sup" they begin to walk away from the fountain when she replied " I wanna meet him, I talked to my mom last night and she does not want me to but I have to, so she can't know." He told her that he will get ahold of him let him know what's up and set something up she said "okay, thank you!" He told her " no problem" shortly after that the bell rang and they went to class..

Class starts and they get their assignments they have to read a short story and answer a few questions about them at the end. Jessica is good in English and she tends to finish the work quickly but she doesn't want other people to know that so she try not to or she does it then start drawings or looking over it so no one realizes she is done.

So she finished her assignment and then started drawing a house from the outside view and she was almost finished when Chloe looked over at her and told her it's really good drawings she said thanks and they went on.

After 20 min the teacher comes up to her and ask her why she is not doing her work and she didn't want to say it because she had alot of people staring at her but she told him she is finished and he asked her if she wants to hand it in get so she did.

After that whole encounter with the teacher she now had everyone staring at her, some whispering to each other, some laughing and some not even paying attention.

She felt uncomfortable with everyone staring at her so she asked to use bathroom then got up and left, She took a 5 minute walk around the halls so she can clear her head from everything and relax a bit.

After that she heads back to class and sat in her chair when she sat down chloe immediately ask her "are you okay." Where jessica replies "yeah, just needed a quick walk."

They continue their work until class is over. They both go to head out the class at the same time when the teacher called behind them "Jessica can I talk to you for a minute "she turns around and replies "yes sir" She heads to his desk, he pulls out from his desk a folder with her name on it
opens and just looks at her.

He starts off by saying that "she is a excellent student and since she has been Here that all her work has been amazing and if she keeps up the good work she will be able to just skip a grade".

She tell him that "she is glad she is doing good but she will like to continue to stay in this class. "

He tell her that he will continued to monitor her progress and might later come back to her with a proposal and see if she changes her mind.

She was going to reply back but she said said "thank you" and left. She didn't want to bump up a grade because then people would notice her and will start talking about her that is what she is trying to avoid the most.

She heads out the class and chloe is standing outside waiting for her chloe asked " what was that about" like usual Jessica replies back with "nothing" chloe shrugged her shoulders and they contined walking, they went to their locker then started walking the halls until the ran into Luke and he joins them. But first he said to Jessica "I messaged Jaxon for you and he took a bit but he replied back"

Jessica was really anxious to hear what he said and then luke took out his phone from his pocket and fiddles with the phone for a bit then give it to her and says that's the messages between us if u want to see it I could read it for you but I thought it would be better if u did yourself.

Luke " yo, bro so I talked to the girl and we started talking a bit and she knows about you"

Jakon "did u tell her I wanna meet with her one day"

Luke " yeah I did and she said she is okay with it"

Jakob "omg that is awesome did she say when or where"

Luke "nah I told her I would set it up for y'all"

Jakob "alright bro, let's figure this out"

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