Chapter 8: Cain

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As a demon, I had the advantage of being invisible to human senses in any way I chose. I could present myself as little more than a nagging thought: steal, fight, lie. But there was no hiding myself from another demon. As much as it displeased me in my current situation, my father's law had dictated that there be no trickery between the wicked. Still, I had my ways of disappearing, and I only needed a bit of darkness.

I swapped my clothes for all black, black jacket with a hood, gloves, boots, jeans. And turned to Michaela to don her in similar garb. She was none too pleased with the black dress and fishnets, but it suited her well. I changed her clothes—ducking a swing to the head—to plain black jeans and a black hoodie.

"Aggressive little witch," I grumbled making my way to the end of the alleyway. "So this Clay-Doh, what sort of abilities does it possess?"

She stifled a cackle, sweet breath dancing beneath my nostrils. "It's not a weapon, it's a toy, you know for kids to play with. Sorry, I forgot, the word play might be foreign to your stringent ears."

I glared over my shoulder. "Is this how you thank me for saving your life?"

"Has anyone ever told you how annoying you are?"

I opened my mouth to speak as the bar doors flew open and a hostile Grigori flew out.

"Cain!" He growled and Michaela shrunk behind me, her hands clasping at the back of my jacket. For all the snark in the world, the little angel was frightened, I smirked. I could use that to my advantage.

Grigori inhaled deeply, and Michaela's hands flew out from behind my back, her fingers dancing in the moonlight. Grigori's head snapped away from the alley and he let loose a snarl before stomping off.

"What was that?" I whispered.

She'd let go of my jacket and moved in front of me, an amused smile across her lips. "Oh, Cain, you didn't think I was cowering behind you did you? I needed to gather your scent. He'll be following a false lead for a few blocks."

I swallowed hard, she was quick on her feet I'd give her that, but it hardly seemed like an advantage, especially since this was yet another thing she'd fail to communicate with me throughout the day.

I moved forward out of the darkness of the alley and moved across the road, following opposite Grigori. It was nearing 3 a.m. and the crowds of pedestrians were thinning, leaving us very little to hide behind. After four blocks I began to think following Grigori was pointless. "We need to change his mind, or else we'll be following him following us to no end."

"I was just going to say that."

"Undoubtedly." I grimaced.

"What would one of your elder demons want with Play-Doh?" She asked as we turned a corner.

"Well," I racked my brain, "he could be using it as a lure I suppose." My eyes bulged at my own words. Was he after the demon child too? Had my father sent others? Did he think I was incapable of finding a toddler?

"What is it?" She whispered, her face peering up at me.

"Nothing..." I wasn't going to let Grigori find the child before me. I watched as he came to a halt in front of the stairwell of a subway station. His hands rummaged through his pockets and he placed a black phone to his ear. I inched forward.

"... with an angel, but I... but he..." his lip curled. "Then you know where it is? In the..."

"Do you think he's talking about the child?"

My jaw clenched as Michaela's words drowned Grigori's conversation. "I guess now we'll never know."

She flashed a bashful grin that made me want to strangle her. "Whoops." She said her foot kicking the ground. "Looks like we lost him too."

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