The accident

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Maci POV

"Maci, you need to pay attention or you're never going to know how to become queen." I nodded my head at my father and continued to play with my fingernails. My hair floating around my shoulders, petting my scaly skin. I suddenly had the feeling to get out and explore, so I put my hand up. "Yes Maci?" I gave him my look and he nodded. I swam out of the palace, with Lysander and Demetrius by my side. "Maci, you can't just keep not paying attention. You need to learn the ways of the kingdom. ARE YOU EVEN PAYING ATTENTION?" Demetrius snapped, trying to keep up with me. "Shut up, De. You know how Mace gets. She needs to explore, and frankly so do I." Lysander snipped at Demetrius. Lysander and Demetrius were brothers and water nymphs as I was.  Except my father was the king of water nymphs.

 I snapped out of my daydreaming to realize that the brothers were not behind me. They must have gotten left behind while they were arguing. Oh well, more alone time for me.

I realized that the waters were getting darker, and I crossed into shark country. I loved going into here, the danger always flew through my veins. Then I saw something I hadn't seen before, a black underwater cottage. Purple smoke was flying out of the roof and into the surface of the sea. As I looked up, I saw sharks circling the surfaces. I changed my path, to towards the cottage, my curiosity taking over.

The smell of fruits and spices filled my nose and I slowly made my way to the front door. Knocking twice, the door was opened and two electric eels stood there, blocking the path to inside the house. I smiled shyly and they said. "Oh look Simon, a new customer. Mom should be pleased." With that they both grabbed hold of my arms with their tails. I was dragged inside, and the door was slammed behind me.

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