Guess what guys?

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"Hey, Richie, we never got that explanation of why you look so fucked up." Eddie realized.
Shit. Fuck. Shit. Fuck. Ok, Richie you can do this. He hyped himself up.
"Uhh soo..." Richie looked around the group of losers. The party was looking at him expectantly and Richie inwardly cringed. They didn't know his full story with the lab. They knew he was in the lab and the basic details, but even El didn't tell them what it was like. Shit. He'll have to explain everything again...well... not to Bill. He knows about the powers. But he doesn't know what happened recently. Will they think he's dangerous-
"Richie? Earth to Richie!" Eddie waved his hand in front of Richie's eyes. He blinked and shook his head.
"Sorry. I was thinking of fucking Eddie's mom."
"Jesus Richie-" Eddie began.
"What?" Richie most certainly did not giggle.
"Boys." Bev cut in. "How about that explanation Richie?" She said in a no nonsense manner. Richie sighed.
"Can I talk to the losers alone?" He directed at the party. They grumbled but obliged, groaning as they got up and headed towards the kitchen, making themselves breakfast. Or... lunch, apparently, he must've slept through the morning as it was 11:30. The losers looked on more seriously after Richie told the party to leave. His tone got more somber and his foot began to tap nervously.
"So... do you guys remember anything about any powers of mine?"
"Other than your ability to annoy someone to death?" Stan said.
"Wow. I'm hurt, Stan the man." Richie put his hand over his heart and feigned being hurt.
"No but... seriously. Do you remember anything strange about how you met me? Stan? Eddie? I'm not asking you three," he pointed at Bev, Mike and Ben. "because we all forgot by then."
"Richie what are you talking about?" Eddie asked, his concern growing. "No there's nothing wrong about how we met you. You were... we... we met you in school." His last sentence ended like a question despite him wanting to prove there was nothing strange about them meeting each other.
"Do you remember how?"
"What? No but we were in like...kindergarten or some shit! It's different!" Eddie knew that it was weird he couldn't remember how he met Richie. He knew how he met everyone else but not Richie. Come to think, he just appeared in Eddie's mind. Strange.
Let's try something else. "Do you remember my name being different than what you guys call me now? Remember a number?"
"Fourteen." Stan whispered.
"Yeah, Stan. Fourteen." Richie spoke into the silent room. "I am- was fourteen." Stan drew in a breath as he put it all together.
"What the fuck am I missing?" Eddie exclaimed, spraying his arms out in frustration. "Eddie. You don't remember? Do you know why I have all the scars on my body? When we go and swim in the quarry I leave my shirt on but you can still see the scars on my legs and arms. Eddie. Do you remember me telling you about the lab? The bad place? Do you remember me not being able to speak? Because the bad men didn't teach me fucking grammar. They taught me sorry. You remember me only saying sorry? Do you remember me almost killing my family before my powers faded? Do you remember me almost hurting all of you. Do you-" Richie's voice cracked and died. He was sobbing at this point, loudly and unashamedly. He couldn't hold it back anymore. It was all too much. He barely noticed when Bev crashed into him, crying even though she didn't really know what was happening. Then it was Bill. Then Mike and Stan and Ben and finally Eddie. Beautiful Eddie. Snarky and funny and precious Eddie with tears streaming down his face. Richie could barely make out his face through the tears in his eyes. "M'sorry." Richie mumbled. "This wasn't how it was supposed to go. I was supposed to tell you guys without being fucking weak."
"You're not weak. You're braver than you know." Eddie told him softly. His voice soothing him.
"I all deserve an explanation." With that, Richie recounted his experience growing up and how they all forgot about it, with the help of his friends comforting him when it got too much for him. He was so fucking grateful for them. After a while he got up to the point where he was flung back by El (Bev made a move to get up with a look of fury on her face and so did a couple other Losers but Richie stilled then with a look. It was a tired and weary look, but a look nonetheless) and how he had hurt Mike. He told them of the Pennywise encounter and felt more terrible than he ever had in his life when the feeling of fear and determination and old memories washed over all of them.
"So I guess now you know everything." Richie tried weakly.
"Richie. If you ever need anyone, you know I'm here for you right? I'm your smoking pal. Through and through. And no powers could ever make me think of you differently." Bev said to him, making him feel better than he had in a fucking long time.
"God Molly Ringwald. Didn't know you were a fucking sap."
"Oh shut it Trashmouth."
"You know I'd never. Ms. K would miss me too much-"
"I know I know but she can't help it! I'm too irresistible to her!"
"That's not what I was fucking talking about asshole!"
The Losers all laughed at Richie and Eddie's antics and for a split second, everything was back to what it used to be. There were no powers or bad men or labs or killer clowns or new friends. There was just a bunch of losers, surviving and thriving in their own world they created.

Richie spaced out while the losers were talking (as he does frequently). He made the list in his head again. Though this one was slightly improved. Slightly.

1.) Pennywise was back. (He couldn't change that but at least everyone is on the same page and had an idea of how to stop IT)
2.) Karen and Ted both saw his powers. (FUCK)
3.) The party saw his powers (the party isn't scared of him!!!! Hooray!!! At least...he thinks they aren't. Oh shit.)
4.) He can't control said powers. (I'll try to control them later)
5.) (the Losers are in Hawkins)
6.) He needs to apologize to Mike for yelling at him and hurting him (he hasn't done that yet oops!)
7.) Mike saw Pennywise and Pennywise saw Mike therefore Mike is in danger. (That needs to be solved. Maybe he could get him to stay in the house?? No. That wouldn't work. He needs to be with the group. The party. They could gather weapons ((won't do much)) and stay in the house but they already said no...UGHHH. They will have to come with the Losers. Goddamnit!!!)
8.) He may be suicidal but isn't everyone just a bit? (Perhaps not but the Losers are here so that's good.)
9.) cut the fucking list down (He did!! Number five is finished! Well.. he'll work on it)

Shit. He has one hell of a to do list. Not to fucking mention there's a fucking killer clown on the loose!

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