Someone Came Knocking Pt 2

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Richie flinched as the knocking continued. The knocking was to a very specific tune no one else knew about. He could almost hear the faint whisper of Pennywise's scratchy voice taunting him, teasing him, telling him he was worthless.

Richie's breathing grew harsher and came in quick pants, gasping for more air. This wasn't good. This can't be happening. This can't be happening. Not here. Not in front of everyone else.

It's voice came slowly, growing in volume from a threadbare melody, it slunk around the doorframe and through the cracks in the floor.

"..I know your secret, your dirty little secret.."

The noises stopped. El shivered, feeling the darkness and evil Pennywise exuded from where she sat. The losers were frozen in fear. They knew that voice all too well. It was Mike who broke the silence.

"What... was that?" His voice barely a whisper broke the dam of screaming and questions. Richie stayed still, trying (and failing) to prepare himself for the inevitable.

The door burst open with a deafening crack, falling off its hinges and onto the floor. There Pennywise stood, its glowing yellow eyes stood out in the darkness.

El stood up first, letting out a battle cry with her hands pointed towards It.

The sharp inhuman jerk of Pennywise's head indicated it heard her. She suddenly flew to the back of the room as if being pushed by a large force- she was out cold. Richie grimaced in sympathy. Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Max and Will all dropped to the ground at the same time time. The message was clear, this was not their fight.

Pennywise hummed the tune of Richie's nightmares while he stalked towards his prey, feeding on their fear. Beverly grabbed the closest weapon (dinner plate) and threw it at him, shattering on Its head. It looked annoyed.

"We aren't afraid of you!"

A chorus of agreements sounded through the living room that began to darken quickly as the rest of the losers grabbed weapons and prepared the fight.

All except Richie.

"OoOooO but one of you issss" Pennywise mocked.

The losers turned to Richie who started to tremble, memories flooding his brain.

"You've got a secret, don't you Richie?"

"Shut up." Richie said through clenched teeth. The words were barely a whisper.

"Your little friends," It spat the word as if it tasted disgusting in his mouth, "would hate you forever, never mind Eddie. He'd never reciprocate your...feelings, disgusted by you and your dirty. Little. Secret. Shall I tell them Richie? SHALL I TELL HIM?" Pennywise growled the last part as Richie saw a baseball bat in the corner of his eye. Smiling grimly, Richie gathered his hatred of Pennywise and fear of him telling the losers his secret and made a dash towards it. In one motion he picked it up and swung at his head saying, "Go to hell, motherfucker."

The crunch of Pennywise's bones breaking was music to Richie's ears. The losers stood still in shock before gathering their wits and joined in the destruction of Pennywise, for the last fucking time.

The end. :)

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