Hey y'all- important please read :)

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So! My obsession with this work has been fun but I have grown into a new obsession: criminal minds and things to do with psychopaths and serial killers!!! Isn't it great?! It doesn't give me nightmares at all.

Anyway, this is my explanation of why this story is being discontinued. I'm so very sorry for doing this because I know how it feels for a story I've been reading for a while to be discontinued. It sucks.

Also! My writing style has changed a BUNCH since the last time I posted, just a warning, because I was wondering if I should do a very sloppy version of an ending just so people have closure?
It will be different because my writing style is different and it probably won't make any sense but it would be an ending.

If you think I should or shouldn't, just comment and the most votes will win. Thank you to everyone, I couldn't be more blessed to have a story with this many people reading it!

Chloe :)

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