Chapter 3: Waiting

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I finally arrived to the venue. I started to get really nervous, just looking at all the fans. I could of done without all the six year olds tho, but whatever, I'm here to see R5 and that's all I care about.

I barely found a parking place, but I did eventually. I did a quick hair and makeup touch up before getting out of the car. I found the entrance, but looking alittle closer I saw just how long the line to get in was. "Holy shit" I thought "Good thing I left early."

I waited in a line for about 30 minutes, but eventually I got up to the front. "Ticket please" the man at the front said to me. I handed him my ticket and he scanned it. "You're good." he said to me after checking my purse. He pointed to where I was suppose to go and I proceeded forward.

When I got inside there was another man, and I asked him if he could show me where to go for the meet and greet. "Right down that hallway and to the right" he said. "Ok, thank you so much" I said back to him as he smiled.

I could hear laughter, so I knew I was close. I saw a small line formed that was coming from a doorway. "Is this the line for the meet and greet?" I asked the girl in front of me. "Yeah" she replied back. I could tell she was about my age, and she seemed pretty cool.

"Is this your first time meeting them?" she asked me. "Yeah" I smiled, "I hope it goes well." "Same" she laughed, "Who's your favorite?" "I really like Ross, plus we're the same age." I replied to her. "Yeah, I like Ross too. But I'm actually a Rocky girl. I can't wait to hug him!" she squealed. I could tell how excited she was. As was I. I'm just ready to finally see Ross again. I bet he'll smell intoxicating.

"Ok, next in line please" Mark said. "Oh, that's me!" she said "Good luck!" I replied back to her with a thumbs up.

I can't believe I'm about 5 minutes away from seeing the only people in this world I actually give a shit about.
Ok, that's it for chapter 3, but things about about to start heating up! Be sure and vote on this chapter and feel free to leave some comments! Thanks guys💕

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