Chapter 4: Finally

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"Next" I heard the Mark say again, but this time he was looking at me. Finally, the time has come. It's my turn to go meet my idols and get my photo taken with them. I have so many feelings right now, like I can't even deal. What the hell do I even say? "Hey, my name's Piper and I fucking love you." Yeah, no. I have to play it cool. I can't be a stereotypical fangirl and be screaming all over them.

I walked up kinda slowly and I was shaking alittle. I could see all 5 of them standing around waiting for the next person. "I hope the next girl is cute" I heard Ross say quietly. I don't think he knows I heard him, but I totally did lol. "Yeah and not 12 years old" Riker laughed. Not a problem, and I'm legal lol I thought to myself. "Ok go stand by who you want" Mark said to me. "Oh definitely Ross" I joked back at him.

Before I knew it I was standing right in front of Ross, and our eyes were locked on each other. "Oh my--" I saw Ross mouth. I was lost for words too. "Hey what's your name?" Riker said to me really nicely. "It's Piper" I replied back, but I looked at Ross when I said it."That's a really cool name" Ross said to me. I looked down shyly and smiled at the ground, "thanks." "Is this your first concert?" Ell asked me. "No, I saw you guys like 2 years ago in Cali" I said. "Yeah, I thought you looked kinda familiar" Ross smiled at me.

OH MY GOD! Ross actually remembers me from 2 YEARS AGO. I can't even believe this. Like what? Holy shit, this is so awesome.

"Ok c'mon, we gotta keep it moving" Mark said to all of us. "Oh yeah, sorry" Ross said. "Ok everybody smile" the photographer said. "1, 2, 3" *click*

Just as the camera flashed, I felt something touch my butt. "Oh bad" Ross said blushing alittle. "Haha it's ok" I laughed. "Well I hope you enjoy the show" Riker said. "Yeah I'm sure you guys will do awesome" I replied. "Maybe we'll run in to you after the concert" Ross told me, lowering his voice slightly. "Yeah that'd be great" I smiled at him and began to walk away. I looked back at all of them and noticed Ross whispering to the others. He saw that I was staring at them, and he waved and smiled at me one last time before I finally disappeared into the stage area to wait for the show to start.  
Alright! That concludes Chapter 4! I really hope you guys like this chapter, and I'm sorry it took so long! 😁 Leave some comments and be sure and vote for this chapter👍

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