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"What are you smiling about?" Stacey interrupted Val's thoughts.

"Nothing," she said in a sing song voice.

"It's something then! Spill the tea!" Stacey said as she rolled her lab stool closer to Val.

"Do you know any of the Strike team guys?"

"Yeah, a few of them. Why? Did one ask you out?" she asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes! Brock Rumlow asked me to dinner tomorrow night."

"Ooh, baby, look at you!" Stacey said in a lowered voice.

"He's really nice. He's been giving me rides since my car died a few weeks ago."

"When was this?"

"It was a while ago, it's not important."

"So where is he taking you? Did he tell you yet?"


"Do you know what you're going to wear?"

"Clothes, duh," Val said with a smirk.

Stacey smacked her playfully on her shoulder. "You gotta dress to impress, sweetie!"

After she said this they heard a throat being cleared and Dr. Groff was standing across the table from them.

"Ladies, while I am thankful you are in good spirits I hardly think the lab is the place to discuss up and coming romantic escapades. Let's maintain our professional decorum, shall we?"

"Yes, Dr. Groff," they both answered in unison. Stacey rolled her stool back to her side of the lab table and snuck a glance at Val. They locked eyes and then laughed as they went back to work.

Lunch time came around and Stacey and Val still lingered, finishing up some trials before they headed down to the cafeteria. They were talking and giggling like high school girls when they sat down and started to eat. The Strike team was in the cafeteria too, and Val caught Brock's eye across the room. She winked at him and he gave a small smile back and continued his conversation with his team mates. A hush fell over part of the cafeteria causing Val and Stacey to look up. Steve Rogers was dressed in his navy blue combat gear and walking towards the Strike team table. Agent Clint Barton was also with him. Brock and his men stood up, acknowledging Steve's presence. He greeted them with a smile and was talking with Jack Rollins and Brock. They nodded their heads and then he turned away, Barton going with him. They passed by Stacey and Val's table and Clint gave Stacey a wink since he caught her staring at him.

"Oh my gosh! Val, did you see that? He winked at me!" Stacey said in whisper shout.

"Well, if you were staring at him, then yeah, he'd wink at you. Quit being boy crazy. Come on, you really should keep your professional decorum," Val said with a laugh.

Brock and Jack were talking when they noticed Steve Rogers and Clint Barton walking towards their table. They were dropping by to talk about an upcoming mission. Something about a ship that hadn't checked in. Brock was only half listening since he kept glancing at Val across the room. He sat back down once Steve and Clint left and noticed that Clint winked towards her table. Did he just wink at Val, or Stacey? He couldn't tell. Was he feeling jealous? He didn't have a right to be jealous since he hadn't even been on a date with Val yet. They were mostly just friends since he was giving her a ride to work. But she did say yes to his dinner date invitation. That had to count for something. He shook his head to clear his thoughts and stood as his lunch time was over. 

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