One Shot

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Valentina and Brock had grown into a regular routine while they were living at the Avenger's Tower. They had their own apartment since they had gotten married just a few weeks ago. Steve was getting ready to leave to go search for Bucky and Brock was going with him. Val wanted to make a special dinner for Brock along with some chocolate cupcakes. She had chicken cooking in the oven and rice on the stove. She had made the cupcakes earlier in the day and was busy whipping up the frosting for them. She had some soft music playing while she worked and hummed along. She heard the door to their apartment open and Brock place his keys and phone on the table. "Hey, Babe, I'm home." He called out to her from the front door. "I'm in the kitchen!" She called out. She was licking some of the frosting from her fingers. Despite being an accomplished scientist and meticulous about procedure in the lab, she was a messy cook. There were bags of ingredients left out along with boxes and bottles of flavor on the counter. There was flour scattered on the counter tops and her apron was full of food stains. Her hair was in a messy bun and she had some food smudged on her cheek from pushing her glasses up frequently.

"It smells amazing in here. What's the special occasion?" Brock asked as he came up to her and pecked a kiss on her lips.

"Nothing really. I just wanted to make you a special dinner before you left tomorrow. I know you love cupcakes, too."

"Aw, thanks, babe." He stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist as he placed his chin on her shoulder.

He started to kiss the side of her neck and with a husky voice said, "Maybe we can have dessert before dinner? Hmm?"

"What? Oh.." Val said as it took her a moment to catch on to his innuendo.

She set down a cupcake with the others and then turned around to kiss Brock with her hands holding his. "I like that idea," she said as she kissed him again. She broke away and then grabbed a cupcake and smashed it into his face, smearing it into his cheek.

His mouth dropped open in surprise as he laughed and then said, "Oh, you're gonna get it now!"

Valentina squealed and then ran from the kitchen with Brock hot on her trail with a cupcake in his hand. She ran to the dining room and went around the table. They went back and forth before she tried to make a run for it to the other hallway. She ran to their bedroom laughing and squealing as Brock was chasing her and growling. She tried to close the door but he easily pushed it open and grabbed her around the waist and tackled her to the ground. They were both laughing hysterically as Brock straddled her and held a squished cupcake in his hand and brought it closer to Val's face. "Don't do it!" she cried out in laughter.

"I just wanted to give some sweets to my sweet!" Brock widened his eyes in a crazy manner.

He brought the cupcake down and smeared it over her mouth and cheek as she was laughing and trying to push his hands away.

"Oh my gosh, look at this mess you made!" she cried out.

"What?! You totally started it!" Brock said in mock offense.

"You're in big trouble, Mr. Rumlow!"

"I don't think so. You're the one who can't move." He had a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Don't do-"

Before she could finish her sentence, he was tickling her sides with both hands and holding down her chest with his head. She was screaming and laughing, trying to get away from him.

"Ok! I give! I give," she cried breathlessly.

"Oh, do you now?"

He stopped tickling her held her arms by her wrists, out to the side of her head, as he gazed down at her eyes and cupcake and frosting covered face.

"You're something else, Mrs. Rumlow," he said in a loving whisper. Then he pressed his lips against hers in a sensual kiss, savoring the flavor of her mouth and chocolate. When he broke away from the kiss Val said, "That's Dr. Rumlow, to you, mister."

Then he attacked her neck, digging in his chin whiskers, making her laugh and shriek again.

"Say it!"


"Say it, or else!"

"Ok, ok. Brock Rumlow you are the king of the castle and I am your queen."

"That's right. Don't you forget who's in charge here," he said in mock authority. He bent down to kiss her again and she whispered against his lips, "I am."

He didn't say anything as he continued kiss her roughly as she moaned into his mouth. Then the kitchen timer went off, bringing them out of their love bubble. 

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