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Saturday's sun beams warmed Valentina's face as she slept and tried to hold onto her dream of Brock's kisses. She thought about his dark skin, brown eyes, and the way his muscles moved under his skin. He was well built, but not too large and she liked that about him. She also liked that he was such the gentleman and so thoughtful. She stretched in her bed and decided to wake up and get started on the day. Saturday and Sunday were pretty uneventful. She ended up calling Stacey to fill her in on the date with Brock Rumlow.

"So how was the date? Is he a good kisser? Is he a domineering male?" Stacey asked the questions rapid fire.

"What?! The date was wonderful and he was a perfect gentleman." Val couldn't believe Stacey was asking such personal questions.

"Does he give you that "bad boy smouldering" vibe?" Stacey asked in breathy seductive voice.

"Oh my gosh! Where do you come up with this stuff? He's funny, kind, and has good manners. I like him, Stacey. Please don't go blabbing about this to people at work. We only had one date and he's been really nice to me."

Stacey let out a huff over the phone speaker. "I have to live through you since no one has asked me out yet."

"Don't worry about it, Stacey."

They continued to have normal "girl talk" for a few more minutes and then they ended the call. Like the orderly person that she was, she checked her schedule for the week, meal prepped a few things, and marked on the calendar when she wanted to star going to the gym. She had taken a few karate classes a few years back, but she wanted to start them back up again. She knew that people that worked in a lab carried a certain stereotype. She didn't want to be weak or unfit so she regularly ran and lifted weights.

Monday morning came around and she was more than eager to see Brock again. He showed up right at 6:45. "Good morning, babe. Did you have a good weekend?"

"Good morning, handsome. I did, but it wasn't anything special. Just the usual to prepare for this week. How about you?"

"I had a terrible time. I couldn't concentrate on anything this weekend because all I could think about was a certain lady's kisses." He grinned as he looked at her.

Valentina had a look of shock on her face and was blushing profusely. "You mean me?" she asked in a timid voice.

"Of course you!" he chuckled. "Do you have any dinner plans tonight? I can cook for you and then we can hang out." He reached a hand out to place on her knee. She put her hand over his even though her heart was hammering in her chest.

"I don't have any dinner plans. I think that would be wonderful. Do you want me to bring anything?"

"You can bring some dessert." He smiled at her as she was processing their plans.

"Ok. I can do that." She smiled at him and squeezed his hand.

They arrived at the parking garage and Brock made his way around to her side of the pickup. She was still putting her bag on her shoulder when he was in front of her. He put a hand on her waist and one on her jaw, cupping her cheek, then leaned in for a hungry kiss, catching her off guard. She squeaked a little and then hummed into his kiss as she closed her eyes and tasted him. He broke away from the kiss and smiled down at her. "Like I said, I was thinking about your kisses all weekend long."

"Now I'm not going to be able to concentrate," she said with a smile.

They walked into the building together and then parted ways to their respective departments.

Val walked to her work station and Dr. Groff was there waiting for her. "Dr. Alvarez, may I have a word with you, please."

Tension bundled in her stomach as she put her things away and put on her lab coat. She followed Dr. Groff to his office where he motioned for her to close the door. "Dr. Alvarez, you've been doing some amazing work in such a short time here. I want to give you more responsibility. I'm giving you a part of a project. We are working on an even bigger project and yours would be a key factor in our success. It will mean longer hours and even more creative thinking. You'll be transferred over to our special projects division and will regularly report to me on your progress. Understood?"

The understood, stated as a question, was more a formality than an actual request of comprehension. Valentina was a talented scientist and SHIELD needed their best minds working on this project.

"Yes, sir. I'll move my things over right away." She nervously touched the side of her glasses and then brought her hand down. "Do you mind showing me where special projects department is located?"

"Not at all."

Dr. Groff waited at the entrance of the lab as she gathered her bag and purse and then headed down the hall. After a few minutes he stopped outside some doors and scanned his handprint on the biometric scanner. He opened the door and let Val walk in first. He was heading down the hall to the science section and on the way they passed Steve Rogers and Clint Barton. Of course, she recognized them and Clint recognized her from that one day at lunch. He winked at her but she was so nervous about starting in a different department she didn't notice. Dr. Groff made the introductions and then left Val to get started working. Maria Hill came by to introduce herself and to give Valentina her new badges and scan in her handprint. Maria also took Val's bag and her cell phone. "No cell phones allowed in a secure area. There are lockers in the hall where you can store your bag and lunch." Val reluctantly handed over her bag along with her phone and snacks. She mostly shadowed one of the other lead scientists until she was given her work station. Val was excited and nervous since she wanted to make a good impression and not make any mistakes in a new department.


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