Yeeted to Japan

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Hi again! If you skipped it, the first "chapter" of this story fills you in on what exactly is going on here. It also has Dru's descriptions, so if nothing else, take a peek at that. Alright, story time!

      First things first. Airplanes suck. Don't get me wrong, it's better than taking like, a boat, from America to Japan, but the resulting migraine is a bitch.

      Oh. You don't know what's happening right now? Neither do I! My name is Dru Oliver and all I know is that after a very short month of prep, I have been yeeted across the globe to Japan. Mom and dad are the richest of the rich in good old America. They own the biggest and most current tech company, Pineapple. I grew up in a ten bedroom beachside house in the sunny state of California. My huge room housed a monster sized bed and a gigantic wall of books. I was settled into my introverted life for seventeen years. Seventeen! And then a month ago I was yanked out of my paradise and informed of my relocation. To another country.

       And so, for the last month I've been forced to learn Japanese and also forced to pack up my whole life. My parents plan to expand the company to Japan in a year, and have stupidly decided that I need to settle into the country before college. I mean, it wasn't like I was suuuuper attached to my life in Cali. My books and my music came with me across the globe. And my school was pretty average considering I was ahead in every subject and basically avoided people. But I will miss the private beach just outside of my house. My favorite mall. The local bookstore. 

      Sigh. I've spent thirty days dreading the loss of all these things, and now it's too late. I've been yeeted to Japan.

Very very short first chapter! What do you think?


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