Chapter 7 HaNsEn Pt1

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The phone rang, all Connor could do was just stare at it. Miguel was just as confused. Finally it stopped buzzing and Miguel broke the silence "Whys Evan calling you?"

"I dont know. But it stopped so we can go back to what we were doing-" miguel stopped Connor as he continued to gently touch Miguels thighs "What if it was important?"

Connor groaned looking up at Miguel "It was probably a butt dial. I dont know why he would need me I dont even know him." Miguel looked annoyed for a moment "Then why would he call you? Why does he have your number?"

Connor grabbed his phone "You're paranoid. I'll call him back after this. Come on something always ruins the moment..." he whispered as he gently palmed Miguel through his boxers, hearing the other chuckle breathlessly.

"Call him back, Connie... What if hes lost or something?" He joked watching as Connor turned on his phone, calling the boy back...


Evan's POV.

It's been a stressful night, babysitting my brother and his friend while they had a blast.

Jeremy was a lightweight and just an out of control idiot when drunk, Michael was usually chill, but Jeremy hypes him up quite a bit and somehow I was roped into babysitting.

We were talking about crushes and such like normal people I guess, I brought up someone that made Michael almost c h o k e "dude, no. I smoke with him, you two wouldnt work. Sorry but me no support. You're innocent" Michael was the mom I knew he was watching out for me. But I still argued a bit "Well you dont know him! He could be sweet. Like a teddy bear or something. Everyone has a soft side"

"Didnt he throw a printer or something? I dont think hes got a soft side" Jeremy said taking a swig of his drink. Eyeing my phone with a smirk, quickly grabbing it and immediately going to the contact list "let's see~ me, mom, dad, Jared, and there we gO Connor and dial-" he said calling the contact giggling a bit

My eyes shot open trying to snatch the phone away, once it stopped I let out a sigh in relief "Jeremy you idiot-!"

Buzz buzz bitch

My heart stopped as I heard the phone go off, Connor actually called back...? We only talked once for a project holy shit. And now he was calling me back

I didnt even get the chance before Jeremy grabbed the phone quickly answering it "Connor hi. This is Jeremy. Evan's brother." I motioned to Michael who was staring off into space

"Hey, Jeremy? Uhm why did Evan call me? Is something wrong or was it just a mistake?"

"Oh no no no. Uhm. We just wanted to invite you over. Since you dont live too far, our parents are out of town and I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty drunk, so is Michael. And Evan doesnt wanna babysit us alone"

I facepalmed as Jeremy winked obnoxiously at me thinking he did something good. I was p r a y i n g that Connor would say no but to my surprise he accepted after Jeremy offered some weed. What's up with stoners and weed? It's a plant...

//I'm so tired.//

"And Connor Murphy is coming over, with his little buddy Miguel! Michael! It's like us! You're the Connor to my Miguel!" Jeremy said looking like an idiot with his big stupid grin.
Michael snapped out of it and just tilted his head "Dude, not really. Miguel scares me. You're not threatening at all. You cant be Miguel and you're a twink"

//Part 1.

Sorry I cut it off short. I am exhausted and i thought I posted it and I didnt so here. It would be longer but I'm kinda unmotivated.

I'm sorry my writing is shit and it makes no sense

This was a bit of like a jokey chapter so sorry.

Love yall


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