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Hey, wakie here.

So, this is the end of the second book. I'll be announcing my plans for my return I guess.

First off, I'll be making collections for my haikus, poems, sonnets, and tankas that I have been writing. Since my Creative Writing classes encourages my class to write stuff.

Second, I'll be making a book with all of my original stories, and original fic one-shots too. My laptop has been brimming with stuff that I have been keeping for the past 6 months, mostly under edited and needs of revision.

And lastly, I'll be starting my long overdue original that I have scrapped for so long. With less sleep this semester, I guess I'll have the time to write, and eventually an another eternal rest for the whole year.

And if you are asking what have I am been doing?

I've been busy with my climb in League of Legends with my team. And being a student of my craft in history and social science.

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