Mini Text Posts!

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The Cover is a picture I found online And did not link to a page or the name of the creator! None of these are stolen But I did take some inspiration from the great _-Stony-_!❤


Steve enters the top floor of the compound

"What in the actual-"

"GIVE ME BACK MY BOW! NO-" Clint said with a Wild Peter Running around with his bow.

"ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?" Steve said as an arrow landed right over his head.

"Clint! You better have this under control when I get back!" Steve said rage-pushing all the buttons on the elevatpr trying not to get hit by an arrow.

"didn't you just arrive?-"

"Yes I did but you guys clearly are phychopaths so I better stay away from you two!"



As Tony and Steve return back to kitchen after A little.. Umm.. Fonduing the Avengers stared at them in disgust

"What's Up guys?" Tony said casually fixing his hair.

"Oh nothing stiff sir" Clint said making the others Burst into laughter

Steve and Tony Both turn red as cherries

"Hey guys what- Ew ew I'm gonna barf. WHY WERE YOU GUYS SO LOUD?!" The second Peter finished that sentence Bucky falls from the ceiling Laughing way to hard "Ow"

"Peter. You're grounded." Steve and Tony both looked at him Harshly

"Disgusting. You guys are absolutely-" Peter walks slowly into his room giving them a harsh look fake gagging


"Sup Bitches! Have you guys YEETED away and watched The movie yet?"
Steve walked into the compound and the others stared at him trying not to laugh
"..... dudes..."

The second Peter walks into the room everybody faceplants
"Oh H-hey guys, so ummm I tought him some modern slang. I think it went pretty well!"


I am so sorry for this but I am hella sleep deprived and I am still training myself to get rid of the extremely fancy third person writing. Any help would be very helpful please. :)

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