Oh No

600 26 2

Hai :3

Romanogers is in this so.. Yeah


Tony, Clint, Bruce, Steve and Natasha were watching a documentary about spiders, Tony was writing most of their abilities down so he could update Peter's suit if needed and Clint was suggesting that he should add a fly trap to it.

"The Black Widow spider most commonly eats and digests her male partner after mating.." Could be heard from the TV.

Natasha slowly turned her head towards Steve and winked at him making him absolutely horrified.

"You scare the absolute shit out of me" Natasha grinned before chuckling turning to Bruce and whispering something in his ear that made him laugh.

All that's left to say is that Steve slept on the couch for three days simply not trusting her.


Yeah sorry this is shit but I had to release something before I go insane.
Anyways have a nice day, night, week and stay safe ❤🏳️‍🌈

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