21. Just using him

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The heart wants what it wants - Selena Gomez


-Abby's POV

I dropped my bag on the floor and threw myself on my bed, burying my head in my pillow. What the hell was I doing? I kissed him and literally sat on his lap just to taunt his provoking girlfriend. I was using Joey.. He really considered me as his friend and I was just using him to prove that I can seduce someone if I want. Can I really?

I got up from the bed and stood in front of my mirror in which I saw a confused and fed up girl.

"This isn't me.." I whispered to my own reflection, "You're not the girl that uses people.. you're not like him.. you're not like Joey! You can't use people like Joey had used Sarah.. you can't do that.. you can't become like that bastard!" I felt the anger starting to curse through me again.

"Where was your anger when you kissed him and gave him your number?" my subconscious smirked in her lawyer clothes. She was right as always. I can't believe I even started a friendship with him!

"He's the bloody murderer of your sister, damn it!" I raised my voice slightly at my image in the mirror.

When I said sorry about flirting with him earlier in his car, I was also apologising for pretending to be his friend but I don't think he noticed my guilt. I know I shouldn't but that feeling of guilt is just too overwhelming.

He's always been a scoundrel and a rascal in my eyes for the past three years. What has changed now? Has his accident changed him?

"Of course not, you foolish girl! Once he regains his memory he'll become the asshole that he was before. He's being nice to you only because he doesn't remember who you are.. or more precisely, whose sister you are," my subconscious snaps again, this time in her judge clothes. Why does she have to be right all the time?

I'm indeed really foolish.. How could I even think that a dumb womaniser like him will change?

"He's only lost his memory.. that doesn't make him a new person, right?" I asked my reflection cautiously. Obviously, I didn't get a reply. I'm even talking to myself like a lunatic now!

This is so confusing! I am feeling like I'm betraying my sister by befriending him and at the same time I feel bad for using Joey when he's not himself.

"That's it!" I say to myself, making my decision in that instant. "I won't do this anymore! I'll end this drama. I'll go back to my old boring and lifeless routine with no challenges, no rude and provoking bitches, no drunk bestfriends to pick up in the middle of the night and no blonde boys suffering from amnesia." The reflection is now determined and no longer confused. As I make a mental note to myself to talk to Britney tomorrow, my phone buzzes briefly and I see a message.

*Save my num.. Joey :)*


"Now I also have his number..." I groaned in frustration and dumped myself back on the bed as I can no longer stare at myself.

-Joey's POV

"Your test results are good! Nothing to worry about and you'll be fine soon," Dr Shane said when he returned from the laboratory to his office where Mom, Dad and I had been waiting.

"And what about the vision?" I asked anxiously.

"It's a good sign. That means your brain is responding," the doctor reassured.

"So what I saw in my vision really did happen?"

"Maybe. I can't say for sure but there is a huge possibility."

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