26. Plans

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It's me It's you - Ross Lynch


-Britney's POV

"Brit? Are you here?" Lucy waved her hand in face. Can't she see I'm thinking?

"Of course, where else will I be?"

"What's wrong?" she asked while scruting the hallway. Our classes were over and we were waiting for the boys to come.

"You saw what happened at the canteen between Joey and Abby, didn't you?

"Everyone saw that! It was pretty hot- I mean.. uh.. hideous," she tried to correct herself under my murderous gaze.

"I've to do something."

"How about talking to Joey?" she suggested foolishly.

"It's of no use! He'll say the same thing: 'There's nothing between Abby and me'," I mimicked his voice.

"Maybe he's telling the truth," she chuckled lightly. Obviously, she doesn't know about the bet. The truth is that Abby is doing all these deliberately to win Joey.

"Joey doesn't know the truth."

"What truth?" she frowned.

"Abby and I made a bet. If by New Year, Joey cares more about her than me, then I'll have to do as she says."

"Are you out of your mind? If Joey learns it-"

"Relax! I had no idea that she would take it as a challenge. At first I just wanted to humiliate her because she slapped Joey. But she turned out to be more fierce than I imagined for a nerd." She sighed loudly.

"What are you gonna do now?"

"I've to divert her attention from her objective," I explained.


"By having her to focus on something or someone else.."


"I don't know.. um.. Jenny?" I suggested.

"What will you do to her?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" I sighed.

"Ok, sorry. But, whatever you do, I don't have any objection."

"Even if you had, it wouldn't stop me," I snapped. "Jenny will have to pay for Abby's mistake. I've a plan..." I smirked devilishly. Abby will regret her existence if she gets too close to Joey.. just like her sister did!

"I know that look. What's cooking in your amazing mind?"

"Just wait and watch," I winked.

"Watch what?" Joey's voice startled me from behind. Oh crap!

"A movie! We wanted to watch a movie, didn't we Lucy?" I nudged her. She nodded her head quickly and went to stand by Nate's side.

"Okay.. Let's go?" he proposed innocently.


-Abby's POV

"No! I won't call him!" I sat the phone on my bed for the third time this evening. And no, it's not ego. It's called self-respect! What if he noticed me checking him out!? Oh shit.. He must think I'm one of those sluts, ready to spread my legs for a hot guy like him! Did I just call him hot? What the actual fudge?

Just as I was about to put my phone in the drawer to avoid calling him and giving him the satisfaction that he was right about Rick and Jenny, it buzzed loudly. By pure coincidence, it was Joey's call. Telepathy or what?


"What's up?" What's up? He called me to ask what's up? Stop acting like a schoolgirl, Abby!

"Uh.. The roof is up!" Okay, I admit it was a bad joke but he chuckled! Why the hell am I so nervous? Get a grip Wood!

"No weirdo! I meant what's up with Rick and Jenny?" Ohhh.. damn! Could this be anymore embarrassing?

"You were right.. they are together but-"

"I knew it! See, Nate is not at fault!" I sighed exasperated.

"Will you let me finish? They are together since this morning, that is, after Jenny saw Nate with Lucy."

"So, yesterday when Nate saw them hugging.."

"..they were not together," I finished for him. "Technically it is Nate's fault!"

"He's a human, not God; he can make mistakes. What do we do now?"

"We should do something?" I asked confusedly. What could we possibly do?

"Don't you wanna help your friend?"

"Yeah but I don't see what we can do. I talked to Jenny and she's completely convinced that Nate toyed her. Hmm.. What if Nate apologises to her?"

"For that, Nate will have to be convinced that Jenny is not with Rick. But that's even more difficult because now, Jenny is really with Rick."

"So what is your plan?"

"I don't have any.."

"Great.. Can't you think of something sensible for once?"

"I could say the same to you!" he retorted.

"It's your friend's mistake so it's obvious that you should do the thinking."

"Fiiiiiiine!" he exhaled, defeated."I'll take the night to think and you should try to do the same. For now, I'm going to eat."

"You haven't had dinner yet?"

"No.. um.. we went to the movies with Britney, Nate and Lucy," he explained.

"Oh.. uh.. speaking of Britney.. I'm sorry if you guys fought because of.. um.. the.. the canteen incident." Thank god that we're on the phone and he can't see me.

"What incident?" That moron is doing this deliberately. Why the hell did I raise this topic?

"You know.. when.. we were on the f-floor.." I'm not blushing. I'm not blushing. I'm.not.blushing.

"Oh that.. As surprising as it may sound, she didn't say anything about it," he said neutrally.

"Okay.. that's.. a good thing?" I asked unsurely.

"Maybe. I guess she finally understood that we're just friends." I'm supposed to feel happy that we're nothing more. Why aren't I happy? I still have to talk to Britney about the bet.. The sooner the better.

"Great.." I tried to sound enthusiastic.

"Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the view when we were on the canteen floor. Sleep tight!" And he hanged up leaving me hanging shockingly on the phone. So he did notice me checking him out.. Holy shit! Ok.. calm down. For now, I really need to focus on Jenny instead of my hormonal problems. Good decision Abigail. My subconscious pat me on my back. That's a first!


Okay, it's not my best chapter but thank you reading it. It means a lot to me :)

What is the plan of Britney? And what is the connection between her and Abby's sister? Well, continue your reading to know that :*

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