Patient Details

52 2 0

Malia Elhafouni

Walking along the cold, empty halls with the fresh scent of rubbing alcohol looming around me. I look at my wrist to see that it just hit 3:00 am. "Finally" I say breathlessly, my shift just ended. I'm so exhausted and ready to just go home after this 14-hour shift.

I make my way over to the locker rooms gathering my things so I can leave. As I inch closer to leaving I hear the blood-curdling sirens followed with the screeching sound of tires. Before I realise what's happening the doors burst open with the paramedics come running in with a bloody man laid on the stretcher.

Danny runs down the hall handing me a clipboard asking me to take down as much information as I can from the group of men. As he finishes his last word a cluster of men all erupt through the double doors. The hospital changes from what was the peaceful and cold atmosphere to now a chaotic and anarchic one.

"OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!" one of the men began banging on the shut doors of the emergency room, a thick Italian accent laced his voice. Once the sense of shock left my body I began to realise what was happening and took in the group of mens attire before doing anything else. Majority of them were dressed in track pants and t-shirts having what seemed to be fresh bloodstains swept across them all, whereas a few were dressed in a more formal attire being suits however they stood towards the end of the group not seeming fazed by any of this.

Jogging over to the group of men I tried asking questions about the situation but ended up getting ignored. I made my way over to a tall brunette man who was yelling. "Excuse me, sir?" I asked, not really wanting to anger him more than he already is. However, I was given no response.

"Excuse me, sir?" I asked, raising my voice slightly, agitated by the fact that nobody has even noticed my 5'5 figure. The man looked down at me in a demeaning manner. "What?" he spat, I was taken back by his response but chose to ignore it anyways and proceed.

"I just need to fill out a Patient Profile form so can I just get a name please?" I asked, smiling at him. "Giovanni" he says, seeming not to care much.

"Yep, and a last name?" I ask whilst simultaneously noting down his name. "Giovanni" he replies, still not making eye contact.

"Well that's an interesting name now isn't it Giovanni Giovanni, can I get your actual last name now please?" I ask once again, getting agitated by his attitude towards me.

He looks down at me with fury burning throughout him, we lock eyes and I already know what he's about to say.

"So are you tryna be fucking smart now huh".

I'm honestly so over this man acting like he can talk to me with such disrespect, like who does he think he is.

"Ok, we'll skip the name part" I say letting out a puff whilst rolling my eyes.

"Can I get some patient details at least? I need the patient's name, date of birth and a brief outline of what happened".

He lets out an eerie chuckle "you can ask my boss".

"Who the fuck is your boss" at this point all I want to do is go home why is he making this more difficult than it should be?

"WASSUP BITCHESSSS!!" The door slams shut behind the men who have just arrived, everyone stops what they're doing and turns to face these two odd men however, my eyes divert to only one. My eyes skim over his navy blue suit pants and the white button-up dress shirt as I keep my eyes steady on him noticing his blood-drenched shirt more so around his poorly bandaged shoulder.

Giovanni appears beside me and nods towards the two men. Something inside of me tells me that one of them is this so-called boss and makes me almost afraid to approach the two. As I begin to approach him I notice just how breathtakingly gorgeous his dark features are complimenting his rugged dark brown hair and his bright hazel eyes despite the fact that he looks sleep-deprived. Same.

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